It’s very easy for you to make a small room feel bigger by making a few simple changes. If you want to find out more about that then here are some ideas that will help to get you started.

Colours and Patterns

The colours that you choose for your walls or even your décor will transform the way that the room feels. For example, if you use bright colours, this will reflect the light that comes into the room, and it will give the illusion of having much more open space. If you were to paint the trim in a lighter colour than the walls, this will cause your eyes to perceive more depth, and it will  also draw your attention to all the right places.

Eliminate Excess Furniture

The less clutter you have, the bigger the room will look. If you want to eliminate cluttered furniture, then you need to choose items that serve multiple purposes. For example, some pieces of furniture come with storage compartments where you can put any additional pillows or even blankets. You can also invest in a space-saving bedframe too, as this can have a huge impact on the amount of room that’s available. You can even buy an affordable dressing table and makeup vanity unit in smaller sizes too.

Keep Everything Short

If you choose furniture that is low to the ground, then you’ll have way more vertical space. This is great because it will draw your eyes to the ceiling and it will make the room feel much taller. It also gives you the chance to bounce as much light around the room as possible, which is always a good thing if you are dealing with a much smaller room. If you want to experiment a bit, it helps to invest in some translucent furniture. It will help you to create the illusion of space and it will also add a modern twist too.



Mirrors reflect and bounce light, which gives the impression of both depth and height. If you want to achieve this without adding too much clutter, then it helps to have a mirrored wardrobe. This will accent your space and it will also serve a dual purpose, which as mentioned above, is always a good thing.


Keep Items off the Floor

Instead of investing in a huge bookcase, choose a minimalistic shelf instead. This will help you to free up your floor space and it will also make it much easier for you to boost the aesthetic appearance of the room. A bed that is higher off the ground will also help you to achieve this look, not to mention that it also provides you with some valuable storage space.



Lighting can have a huge impact on any room. If the lights that you have right now are dull, or if you have poor fittings then this will make your room feel small and unwelcoming. If you want to stop this from happening, then replace your bulbs with ones that are brighter or even think about investing in some white lampshades.


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