With summer well underway it is time to start thinking about your plans for winter. With one of the coldest seasons just 5 months away, making plans for heating up your house is a must. Whether it’s increasing the number of blankets you have or investing in a new heating system, you need to ensure you’re putting your safety first.

Although it may feel as though you have lots of time, it will be here before you know it. With that in mind, here are 5 ways to warm up your home ready for winter: 


Wear Warm Clothes And Use Blankets

If you’re trying to save as much money as you can when it comes to heating and electricity, the best thing to do is ensure you are warming warm clothes and using blankets when you’re sat at home. Although you may have to have your heating on a low temperature in order to avoid freezing, you can reduce the intensity you need by dressing sensibly. The best thing to do is invest in some cosy pyjamas that you can wear around the house, as these are bound to keep you warm.


Invest In A New Fire

If you want to create the ultimate cosy experience in your home, you may want to consider investing in a new home. Whether you have a dedicated spot for a fireplace or not, you will be surprised what a new fireplace can do. If you’re looking for a fireplace and you don’t have a dedicated place to put it, you may want to consider getting an electric fireplace instead.


Make Sure Your Heating Is On

Although you won’t’ want to have your heating on at all hours of the day, you need to ensure it is on at the times you need it most. In order to cut costs, the best way to do this is to set a timer that will turn your heating on 30-45 minutes before you need it. Not only will this heat up your house before you get home, but it means your heating won’t have been on when you don’t need it. For more information about using your heating on a timer, you can visit this site here.


Consider Heated Flooring

If you feel the cold more than most people, you may want to consider investing in heated flooring. Again, the idea is you turn the flooring on just a couple of minutes before you wake up, avoiding the dreaded walk from your bedroom to the bathroom on a freezing cold floor. Whilst it is not an necessity, it definitely makes a difference.


Upgrade To Double Glazing

If you haven’t already, you should upgrade your windows to double glazing. Not only does it help keep the cold out, but it will keep the warmth from your heating in.

Are you worried about keeping your house warm this winter? What can you do to ensure you’re as warm as you can be? Let me know in the comments section below.


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