Is Your Bedroom Missing That Special Spark?

The bedroom is the place where you spend the majority of your time while in your home — or so you’re repeatedly told. But that time isn’t exactly high quality: you’re asleep for most of it.

When you think about it, you probably only spend around 30 minutes of waking time in the bedroom each day – less than you spend in either the kitchen or bathroom. And so it’s easy for your bedroom to become neglected. You just don’t spend enough time in there with the lights on to consider the way it looks. Could that be why your bedroom has lost its spark?

You need more than a functioning bed to make a bedroom. You need something a little extra to bring it up to the standard of the rest of your home. Divan bases, stunning ottomans, and interesting lighting can bring your bedroom back to life.

Use Dimmable Bedside Lamps

Most modern bedrooms have a dimmer switch for the main light. But wall-mounted dimmer switches for overhead lighting can be a hassle. Once you get into bed, you don’t want to have then to get back out again to switch off the light at the wall (say, when you’ve finished reading).

A stylish way around this problem is to install a dimmable bedside lamp. Many lamps now come with helpful dimmer switches, allowing you to adjust the brightness as you see fit, and then switch off easily when you decide that it’s time to go to sleep. A bedside lamp can help you enjoy your bedroom more and get you into the mood for falling asleep.


Get A Dedicated Reading Chair

Some people have a “nook” for reading – a small, pillowed space in a communal room, usually next to a bookshelf. But if you don’t have the space or the inclination for one of those, a comfy reading chair in the bedroom will do. Okay, so you might not use it a huge amount, but having a reading chair gives you another reason to spend more time in the bedroom. Over time, the bedroom could become the place you go to enjoy a good book.

Bedrooms tend to make good reading rooms because they’re quiet. While nooks in the living room might sound like a good idea, you’re liable to get interrupted by screaming children or the television. A bedroom escape provides you with the perfect getaway, allowing you to indulge your passion for reading in peace.


Buy A Fan And Light A Scented Candle

Scented candles are not only good for cleansing the air, but they have also been scientifically shown to improve your mood. Many of us are stressed out by our work, family, and relationships, and need somewhere we can go to unwind. The bedroom is the perfect place to relax, but with the help of a fan and a scented candle, you can really up the ante.

Some candle scents, like rosemary and lavender, have been shown to boost cognition and reduce anxiety levels. Just smelling essential oils infused with these herbs can lift your mood and get you ready for sleep. What’s more, waking up to pleasant smells can set you up for the day.

Next time you go to bed, light a scented candle and see if it makes you feel any different. You’d be surprised by the effect it can have.


Keep Clothes Off The Floor

It can be tempting to take off your clothes and throw them on the floor after a busy day, but it’s a bad habit. Not only does it crease your clothes, but it also creates clutter in the bedroom – a place that is supposed to be relaxing and tranquil.

Buy a set of hampers for your bedroom: one for whites, one for colors and one for delicates. A collection of baskets allows you to organize your laundry without having to go to the effort of putting clothes back in drawers or taking them down to the utility room. Once you’re in your bedroom, you can just flop.


Put Something At The Bottom Of The Bed

As you live in a bedroom, you quickly find that you need somewhere to dump stuff, whether it’s extra blankets, cushions or pillows. Many people find that they benefit from placing some a table or ottoman at the foot of the bed, where you might put a baby’s crib.

Strategically-placed surfaces give you the flexibility you need to turn your bedroom into a room for living. Plus, it makes your bedroom look as if it was designed to be in a home magazine photoshoot.


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