Dry skin is a source of irritation, and can cause unsightly red blotches to erupt across your face and body. During summer, this can be a particular problem: to get rid of excess heat, our bodies expel water in the form of sweat. This leaves behind dryness, and all of the associated symptoms.

So what are we to do about it? Let’s look at four strategies.

Keep Hydrated

Firstly, we’ll emphasise an activity that benefits not only your skin, but your overall health, too: drinking. If you aren’t drinking enough water, then it follows that your skin won’t receive enough. If glugging plain water doesn’t appeal, then cordial, tea and coffee also count. According to the NHS’s Eatwell Guide, we should all be having eight glasses of water a day. That’s one for every two hours we’re awake, which shouldn’t be too much of a challenge!



When the top layer of your skin cells die, they naturally fall away, leaving those beneath with a space in which to grow. But when dead skin cells are stuck to the skin for longer than they should be, they can cause problems – including dryness. For this reason, we’d recommend a daily body scrub.

But there are a few conditions to bear in mind. Over-exfoliating is only going to dry your skin out even more. The same applies to harsh chemical exfoliants, such as those containing BHAs and AHAs. Alcohol might be fine in lower concentrations, but if you get something that’s too alcoholic, your skin will almost certainly suffer. Look for something natural, and ideally formulated for dry skin. Neom Organics provides several suitable organic body scrubs.



Hydrating moisturisers contain water that’ll be absorbed into the skin cells. Look for something that’s water-based, and lightweight. You don’t need to apply much to get the desired effect. During summer, you might find that you’re at risk of sunburn, which is dreadful for skin hydration. In this case, look for a suntan lotion with moisturising properties.

If you find that there’s a particular patch of your skin that’s at greater risk of dryness, then give it some more focussed treatment. Petroleum-based gels will help to seal up the affected area. You aren’t looking for great-smelling products, here – just stuff that functions well.


Colder Shower

Many of us find that our skin becomes itchy and irritable after a long, hot shower. This is because the heat tends to strip away the oils that keep our skin supple and lubricated. The result? A lot of dead skin cells. If you find that you’re suffering from blotchy red patches of skin in the immediate aftermath of a shower, then this is why. Better skin is just one of the many benefits of a freezing-cold shower!


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