An artist who can not see or a race car driver who loses his or her site is a tragedy. But, people everywhere who have regular eye exams can avoid losing their eyesight. When farsightedness, nearsightedness, and astigmatisms are discovered early, they can be treated effectively. The simple act of wearing eyeglasses can stop these conditions from getting worse. Eye injury or disease when treated early can be cured or delayed. People can wear stylish eyeglasses or contact lenses for better eyesight.

Don’t Skip Eye Exams

Don’t wait for your eyesight to be compromised and written words to become blurry before seeking an eye exam. Get a good eye exam and shop at Eyewearhaus for attractive eyeglasses to make the world visible in perfect focus. Good eyesight is important for many reasons. Some eye conditions that affect sight also signal other health issues such as diabetes and heart disease.

Poor eyesight can affect a child’s performance in school or an adult’s success at work. Eye problems can cause delayed child development and the ability to learn. Poor eyesight can cause a worker to make mistakes or be more prone to injury.

Five Reasons Regular Eye Exams Matter


  1. Getting an eye exam once a year can detect serious health problems as well as changes in eyesight. Regular eye exams can detect cancer, heart conditions, diabetes, high cholesterol, and high blood pressure. It turns out our eyes are the window to our overall health.


  1. The yearly eye exam can detect serious eye diseases and changes in eye health. Myopia, which is nearsightedness, is becoming more common in young children. These children are at risk for other eye conditions later in life including cataracts, retinal detachment, and glaucoma. Caught early, this condition can be slowed and controlled for better eyesight throughout life.


  1. The eyes are in constant flux so that the eyeglass prescription that is correct now can be wrong in a year as eyesight improves or worsens. Improved equipment and testing might be available to get even more accurate results.


  1. The eye can develop conditions such as allergies, eye fatigue, pink eye, or adverse reaction to overuse of contact lenses. Red, irritated eyes can also be a sign of diseases such as lupus, multiple sclerosis, autoimmune disease, or rheumatoid arthritis.


  1. You might go for an eye exam because you notice a lot of eye floaters, droopy eyelids, pain in your eyes, vision loss, double vision, or other troubling symptoms concerning the eyes. The eyes might also seem to be protruding more than usual.

Eye Exams Help Improve Vision and Much More

Though the main reason people get eye exams is to improve their vision or to change the glasses they are using, the exams can identify over 200 diseases and health conditions. One eye exam can detect changes in vision and lead to a better eyeglass prescription and also discover health conditions before they become serious. Then, these diseases can be treated by primary care physicians. The patient can be sent for additional tests to confirm the initial diagnosis and proper treatment can be started.

A person’s eyesight is important at any age. Losing even a part of our vision can have serious consequences. So, every person should get regular eye exams. People under 40 years of age should be examined every two years and people over 40 years of age should be examined every year. But different recommendations come from health experts such as the Mayo Clinic.


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