No one wants to hear right now that winter is on its way, and summer will soon be over in a matter of weeks. But the truth is, the days pass so quickly and before we realise it we are back to normal routines with school and work, and the nights are getting darker. However, with this change of season comes fresh motivation to get things in order and prepare for the winter months ahead. With that in mind, here are some of the things that you can do.


Prepare your wardrobe for the seasonal change

One of the first things that you can do at this time of year is to start thinking about switching out the summer items in your wardrobe and making way for those winter essentials. This is a great way to prepare you for the up and coming change in the weather,without feeling like you are caught in skirts when you need your jumpers. It is also a good idea to start looking at things like your drawers and using this as an opportunity to box things up for another time, sell unwanted things or donate to your local charity shops if you no longer want, need or love the items. You will feel organised and clear of clutter.


Declutter your home and store things away for when needed 

On the subject of clutter it is also a great time for you to start decluttering your home in time for the winter months. You are more likely to spend time inside than you do during the summer, so it is perfect to start rearranging furniture, cleaning out the things you don’t need and getting them boxed up. This is when a unit in a storage building can come in handy. You can start to box things up for the future and keep them out of sight so your home remains clutter free. Not everything will be donatable, and some things are sentimental, so this might be an excellent option to consider.

Prepare the exterior of your home

Winter is coming, and because of that we need to take some extra care and attention with the exterior of our properties. They are what takes the brunt of the harshest weather and with freezing temperatures, rain, snow and wind heading our way in a few months time, now is the ideal time to prepare. You could look at the exposed pipes and ensure they are protected from plummeting temperatures with extra insulation. You could look at checking for things like loose slates on your roof, or exposed cracks that need fixing. The earlier you tackle these things the better it will be.


Embrace the meal planning and comfort food

Finally, winter is the season now comfort, so why not embrace it and start planning for it. Comfort food, stocking up on things for the freezer and planning things in advance like the “C” word. It can help you to feel organised and head of things which can be great for your mindset.

Let’s hope that these tips can help you to get you and your home ready for winter.


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