Unbelievably the longer summer holidays are nearly over and it’s time for those of us with children to get back into the school run swing.

How you feeling fella mamas? Ready for action? Or are you in the midst of school uniform / frantic last minute shopping hell?

Here in my house, we’re doing reasonably OK, especially because the much-adored brand Smiggle very kindly got in touch with me a few weeks ago to ask if they could send us a few bits and bobs to help with the back to school organisation, to which naturally I said; yes please!

We were sent the “most amazing lunchbox in the world!” (Quote from Elsie aged 7) and two water bottles of different sizes and designs. And they’re pretty fabulous.

If you’re a parent to a school age child, there’s a good chance you’ll already be much acquainted with the delights of Smiggle products so I won’t go on and on about the brand, but just in case you’re not, basically you just need to know that pretty much all school kids love Smiggle products! Which isn’t a surprise considering they’re fun, colourful and incredibly well designed.

The products we received are no different. The lunchbox, with it’s two separate compartments, glittery lid and long body strap is indeed ‘amazing’ as my daughter exclaimed and the water bottles are great too. Colourful, sturdy and practical (one thing I have learnt over the past few years is not to buy cheap water bottles as they don’t last!), the taller sequin one even has a spritzer spray! I mean, how fancy is that?!

As we countdown to the imminent return to school runs and busy mornings, it’s a relief to know that when it comes to packed lunches and drinks, thanks to Smiggle’s help, this year we’ve absolutely nailed it.

If you’re on the last push and feeling a bit stressed out, I can well recommend having a look at their back to school products. Although be warned everything is so lovely, you may just want to buy something for yourself.

*Disclaimer – This post was created in collaboration with Smiggle but as always all views and opinions are my own.

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