They used to say ‘diamonds are a girl’s best friend,’ but really, is that true? While diamonds do look beautiful, they can have somewhat of a dark sourced history, and despite looking beautiful on a showpiece of jewellery or exquisite garment, they have little practical value. We’d perhaps like to venture that actually, in the modern day, a girl’s practical devices are her best friend. Even if you’re not online that often, having this functionality next to you can help you in many ways.

We often forget just how incredible it is to have this functionality with us. No matter if you keep a comfortable laptop or iMac in your cute rucksack, or bring a tablet around at all times, it is quite amazing to see how we can access almost the entire sum of human information and understanding with a few clicks, and keep our friends from abroad continually in the loop. A girl’s devices can be her best friend, but only if we can set them up properly.

Functionality Everywhere

It can be absolutely essential for you to have your information where you need it, when you want it. This is because not only are our devices beautiful indulgences, but also something that can help us in a professional space. Having our notes, contact information, dates, appointments and everything else all expertly noted in a beautiful form can help us feel more like ourselves, and more willing to enjoy the entirety of our online space. This can also save you plenty of time. If you’re not utilizing your devices in this manner just yet, you’re missing out on truly personalizing your devices to you. Just consider the best tips and tricks, such as those included here: https://setapp.com/how-to/use-internet-explorer-for-mac. Remember, they should have to be something you grapple with, but something that supports you in almost every aspect of your life. This can be that, particularly if you use voice assistants as available in the home.


Let’s face it, modern devices can also look like fashion statements. A beautiful rose gold new iPhone or Macbook Air can look stunning, but if this isn’t your style you might wish for a range of color options that give you everything to enhance your aesthetic. This might sound silly, but by setting up these devices well and even putting on a cute phone cover you just have one more beautiful looking thing to enjoy during the day.

Her Moments

There’s something very special about the female eye. It often notices nuance, beauty, brilliance and interest thoroughly. With camera and video functionality, you will be more able to capture your world and show it to others, be that on Instagram, Facebook, Twitter or more private sharing platforms. This can help you elaborate a mood board for work, help you capture your diary and movements, and generally document your life to look back on with insight and love.

With these tips, you’re sure to make proper use of your devices, and understand that they can be a girl’s best friend.


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