Looking after your skin in 2023 is more complex than ever. There are many harmful trends and celebrity influences that can cause more damage than they help you. So, here are some tips.

Understand What You Are Using

Do you know your retinoids from your retinals? If not, you need to learn about what exactly you are putting onto your skin. The beauty industry is full of products that are touted as the next best thing for making youtube look younger and more vibrant. While it’s true there are tons of natural and organic ingredients, you need to understand what they do. Try this cosmetic ingredients A-Z compendium before you go spending wads of cash on things that may not even work for you.

Think Carefully About Trends

Trends come and go all the time, which is why they are named so. However, following trends and having them catch on is much easier these days because of the web, social media and video upload channels. And like pretty much anything, there are trends for skincare and beauty that come and go by the handful, and not all are helpful. Examples include slugging, removing blackheads with glue and everyone’s favourite, using toothpaste for removing pimples.

Don’t Use “Hacks” when Looking After Your Skin

You may have seen the many “hack” videos and websites doing the rounds these days. TikTok is full of them, and they can catch on like trends. However, unlike trends, hacks are often made up, and the end results you are shown are not what really happens. They are like a form of clickbait that are there to get your attention and increase clout. Hacks are never scientifically proven and, in most cases, are extremely dangerous because they include mixing things.

Don’t Try to Copy Celebrities

It has to be said that there are certain celebrities responsible for some of the worst and most tragic things that happen to some people. As regular people try to emulate celebrities, who tout dangerous trends such as vampire skin treatment, they do so in cheap and ineffective ways. Your favourite celebs can get the latest bizarre treatments because they don’t think before they spend silly amounts of money. Getting a discount version at a pop-up store isn’t the best idea.

Seek Professional Advice

Finally, but probably the most sensible part of this piece, is to seek professional and/or medical advice for any skin treatments and issues. The first stop should be your GP, who can then refer you to a specialist. In the UK, this typically won’t even cost anything through the NHS, and you may only have to pay for your prescription. There are also tons of private dermatologists and even highly trained cosmetic beauticians who can offer all the help and guidance you need.


There are a few things to keep in mind for looking after your skin these days. First, learn about ingredients, never follow trends and hacks, and see professionals for guidance and advice.

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