All mothers have the same fear; what if my baby doesn’t like me? We all worry that our little one just won’t stop crying whenever we touch them. It’s normal to feel like this as some babies do take time to adjust to their new surroundings. After all, they’re literally experiencing life for the first time! Imagine how strange that must feel to them, and how little they understand.

As their mother, you’re in a position to help influence the bond between you both. So, here are some things you can do to improve the bond you have with your child:



Breastfeeding is a crucial part of your baby’s early development. You should know that breast milk helps give your baby the essential nutrients it needs to grow and develop physically. But, it also enables you to strike a bond.

When you breastfeed, your baby is right up close to you and can feel your touch. Then get used to the feel of your skin, your smell, and your heartbeat. It’s the ultimate way of forming a bond as this is your special time together. It’s intimate and pure; if you can and want to, try and breastfeed.


Maintain eye contact

It’s hard to form a bond with your baby if you’re not giving them eye contact. Look into their eyes whenever you do something with them. This is especially important during feeding times. Stare into their eyes when you feed them, and they will gaze back at you. You build a relationship where they know you’re the person taking care of them and giving them food when they’re hungry.

The power of eye contact can’t be understated as it will help the two of you connect. If you don’t look in their eyes, then they struggle to understand who you are. But, if they keep seeing the same eyes over and over, it creates a strong relationship that will last forever.

Carry your baby as much as possible

Picking up your baby and carrying them close to your chest is one of the easiest ways to bond with them. They feel close to you, your hearts are beating next to one another, and they can feel the love emanating from you. Compare this to pushing them in a pram where you’re not really close to each other, and you don’t have the physical connection.

When you’re home, pick them up and hold them close whenever you get the chance. You can do this when burping them, or just do it as you sing a little song while walking around the house. It’s also a good idea to find the best baby carrier to use when you’re out and about as well. These tend to be slings that cradle your baby against your chest. It makes it easier to carry them as you walk around, so you can keep that connection for as long as possible.

Go to them when they cry

Crying babies divide opinion amongst parents all over the world. Some think that you should let your baby cry themselves out, or else they become dependent on your help. Others think you should go to your baby, or they’ll think you don’t care about them. I’m firmly in the second category, particularly when it comes to newborn babies.

If your baby is crying, then it means they need help with something. They’re undeveloped, they have no way of communicating, so this is how they cry for help – literally. You can’t ignore this as it makes them feel like you don’t care about them. Go to them when they cry, pick them up, make them calm down. It sounds simple, and that’s because it is. They’ll know that you’re there for them because you turn up when they need you.

 Give them a massage

You might wonder why you’d give a baby a massage. I mean, what the heck do they have to be stressed about? Can their muscles even be tight and tense? Well, you’re not giving them a massage to release tight and overworked muscles. Instead, it’s more to increase the physical bond between you and them. When you give them a massage, they feel your hands on their body, and they love it. It makes them feel happy, and they want more!

As a result, you create a situation where your baby looks forward to being in contact with you. They’ll be giggling and wriggling their legs when you massage them – it’s ridiculously cute! The video above will give you a few pointers on how to perform a baby massage, so it’s a good idea to give it a watch.

Lie with them as they go to sleep

When you set your little one down in their crib, make sure you lie near them until they fall asleep. You won’t be able to fit in there with your baby, but lie next to the crib or sit by them. If you want, you can sing little songs or read a book. Will they understand a word you say? No. But, they will hear your voice and get accustomed to it.

Lying with them helps build the bond because they see and feel you next to them. It calms them down, which can help a lot of babies get to sleep much quicker.

Bonding with your baby can seem very difficult, but it’s actually quite simple. Basically, it’s all about getting your baby used to you in as many ways as possible. They should learn your smell, your touch, and your voice. As a result, they no longer see you as a stranger. They start to understand that you’re always there for them, which builds a powerful bond.


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