The documents have been signed, the contracts have been exchanged, the time has come to get everything ready for the big day. Popular wisdom dictates that moving can be one of the more stressful life experiences. If you’re looking to minimise that stress, then take a look at our handy checklist, to make sure the big day goes off without a hitch.

Tick off all these boxes and you can be assured that those big and little moving day essentials are all covered.

The Packing

The very best way to eliminate all packing worries is to have your moving company do the job before you, but if you are having to do it yourself then the very best way to go about it is with a ruthless logic. Take it room by room and as you go, throw away anything that you know you’re just taking along out of habit. This is the perfect time to slimline your possessions and get rid of those pans that stick, that outfit that no longer fits and those rugs that have seen better days.

Divide your packing into themes. Make cutlery one box, make chinaware another. You may end up using more boxes, but ultimately clearly-labelled packages mean fewer items get lost or placed in the wrong rooms.

It’s going to take a while to get all your boxes unpacked the other end, so make sure that you have one or two that travel with you containing all your essential items such as paperwork, keys etc. Have them packed and clearly labelled with ‘Do Not Take’ and load them away in your own vehicle as soon as you are able to.

On the doors of your bedrooms it’s well worth labelling them bedroom one, bedroom two and so on and have those same names appear on your boxes. When you arrive with your packers write labels on your new bedrooms to make dividing the boxes up quick and easy.



Start with the essentials, which is very often your kitchen items and your bedding. Start the process with these items and then go from there. If your house removals company doesn’t have a collection policy for collecting the used boxes then you will need to offer them on a freecycle site or get them recycled.

Moving house can be stressful, it can be a crazy, chaotic day or it can be made into a logical, straightforward process. Start the packing early, taking it one room at a time and not leaving too much to do before your removal company arrives.

All that effort and all that hard work, will all be well worth the effort when you are finally safe and sound in your brand new home. Make your packing a straightforward process so you experience the same degree of organisation the other end.

Banish those moving day blues with a great plan and enjoy a quick settling in period, ridding yourself of those packing boxes in no time at all.


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