We all have plans to own our homes one day, even if we never think it’s going to quite be possible! We have those kinds of dreams in our heads where we own a house and invite our friends and family over at least once a week to have a big garden party, and in all of those dreams, we’re really happy with our lives!

But do those dreams have to stay that way? After all, there’s a lot of housing options out there to look into, and even if you’re renting your current place, there’s still a lot you can do to make it feel more like the home you see when you close your eyes. And there’s plenty of ways to get around those annoying ‘no modification’ rules as well!

So here’s to seeing how affordable, and workable, your housing plans are.

What City Should You Be Moving To?

There’s a lot of expensive cities in the UK, and if you’re someone who has low income but needs a new place stat, you’re going to need to do some neighbourhood research. You might even have to move halfway across the country.

So at a quick glance, the most expensive city across most consensus is Oxford. Of course, if you’re looking to move near the capital, you’re going to need to cover your bills at least twice over per month! On the other hand, places like Derby and Swansea have the most affordability to their name, and you have a better chance of steadily saving up over a course of 10 or so years before buying.


What Loan is Best for Your Current Finances?

Let’s talk about the money matters first of all, seeing as most people won’t be able to  buy their own home without the use of a mortgage.

Ultimately, finances can change in a heartbeat. You can get a pay rise or a pay cut faster than you can even say any of those words, whether you’re being suddenly promoted because someone else has left their position or because you’re being made redundant seemingly out of nowhere! And that means you want a mortgage that can reflect this reality – you want a loan that’s going to be cheap to take out and put to use, and that has the potential to strengthen over time as your bank account does as well.

So look into taking out a variable home loan, as it might just be your best option right now. You might not quite have your income sorted out, if this is your first home you’re looking into buying, and you know you’re going to take a dip in revenue over the coming months. This dip could seriously affect your family, so you want a mortgage that’s going to have a low interest rate for the foreseeable future.

If you’ve got a family you want to see growing up healthy and happy in a home of their own, let’s see how far away your accommodation goals are.


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