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Some of you kind people who have followed me or who have read this blog for a while, will know that I’ve been on a bit of a style journey over the past few years.

It all started with colour analysis, in late 2017, and continued with a couple of style classes that have helped me to pin down my personal style, in order to not only look my best but to reflect my character better too.

All of this has not only changed how I dress and how I shop, but has brought the old Katie back ( hoorah!) and made me much more visible too. (Which contrary to what women are often told, is actually a  really good thing!)

I’m aware though that many women can’t afford to indulge in colour analysis or style classes (although if you can, I’d absolutely recommend them to anyone) so today, I thought I’d share some of my favourite style books.

If you feel like you’ve lost your way on this front or just fancy some fabulous style inspiration, then here are some books, that I’ve thoroughly enjoyed – recent and otherwise – which may just help.

Sadly, I can’t promise they’ll turn you into a style icon overnight, but what I can say is that they’ll definitely give you some tips and some (oh so stylish) food for thought.

The Curated Closet – Discover Your Personal Style and Build Your Dream Wardrobe by Anuschka Rees.

If you’re serious about or simply desperate to overhaul your style, then this is the book for you. I was given this book as a Christmas present – as well as the accompanying workbook – and I’ll hold my hand up and admit that currently, I’m only part way through it myself. However! It is so good, so detailed and so thorough, I couldn’t not include it in this list! It’s brilliant. Seriously.

I’ve devoured style books for years and must own at least twenty of them and let me tell you, I’ve never come across a style book quite like this before. Packed with tips, advice and provoking questions that really encourage you to think deeply and seriously about what you wear and what you buy, this is a style self-help book that delivers.

If you love beautiful style books that feature glossy photos, then it probably won’t be for you. But if you need real help and guidance and haven’t got a clue where to start, then it’s an absolute cracker. I also highly recommend that you try and get the accompanying (although not necessary) workbook to go with it too if you can.


The New Fashion Rules by Victoria Magrath

If you’re an Instagram fan or even a style blogger yourself, you will no doubt already be familiar with the phenomenally successful Victoria, AKA Inthefrow.

Renowned as one of the UK’s leading style influencers, this book is an interesting insight into the fashion industry and how it’s quickly changing. Not a style book per se (so if you only want style inspiration, you may be disappointed) but one that will certainly open your eyes to the opportunities that exist and to the pivotal moments that have shaped the fashion world over the past decade or so.


Kate Moss: Style by Angela Buttolph

If you’re anything like me and a huge fan of the most successful model the world has ever seen, then you will adore this book. It’s been out a few years now, but it really is just the loveliest book to flick through, read and be inspired.

As well as featuring hundreds of photographs of the fabulous Kate, it brilliantly uncovers the stories behind her most iconic outfits through interviews with some of the biggest names in the fashion industry. If you want to know why Kate’s style has become so loved and sought after, it’s a must read.


I Love Your Style by Amanda Brooks

If you’re after a style book that’s filled with glossy photographs of stylish women from the worlds of celebrity, film and fashion, then this should be right up your street. It’s not for everyone, but I personally love this book. It strikes a good balance of helpful style advice and beautiful imagery, to explain different different style personalities and encourage you to find your fit.


Style A To Zoe: The Art of Fashion, Beauty, and Everything Glamour by Rachel Zoe.

If you’ve ever wondered what it’s like to be a celebrity stylist, then you’ll enjoy this style book from the renowned Hollywood stylist to the stars, Rachel Zoe. Packed with advice, celebrity style tales, images and mini interviews with her clients, it’s an enjoyable read and one I’ve dipped into many times.


Finally, if you’re after a style book that you can leave on your coffee table with pride or just one that will awaken you to the joy and fun of fashion, then let me introduce you to this little beauty.

It’s super heavy on images and little in the way of actual style advice, but it’s fabulous to look at and great inspiration for pushing yourself out of your comfort zone. Eclectic, bold and a little bonkers (just like the wonderful lady herself), it’s a brilliant reminder to all of us, to not take ourselves too seriously when it comes to how we dress. Buy it for those moments when you want to be encouraged to be fearless.

Really hope you’ve enjoyed the list. Books and style are two of my most favourite things in the entire world (unsurprising really as someone whom is an author and lover of fashion)  so if you’ve got any recommendations yourself, please do holler and pop them in a comment below.

I’ll love you forever, if you do.



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