I was so nervous about my book launch, but I needn’t have been! As it turned out to be one of the best nights of my life.

Last Thursday, on a very sunny evening, many wonderful women and a few men too, came to join me at the Barnsley Digital Media Centre for the official book launch of my debut bookA Little Pick Me Up‘. Now, nearly a week later, I’m still on a high.

I didn’t know what to expect from a book launch, I’ve never even been to one myself! But it turns out, a book launch is a rather lovely gathering. At mine there was alcohol (kindly provided by the Barnsley DMC) – I was good, I only had one glass of white wine the whole night – and there were cupcakes.

Amazing cupcakes with my book on, which went down a storm with all of those who attended.

There was plenty of chit chat and after everyone had arrived and enjoyed a drink and cupcake or two, I did a little speech about why I’d written the book, said a couple of thank yous and then a short reading.

At the front as I addressed the room, my daughter Elsie stood with me, cuddling my legs and then much to my amazement and immense pride, without a hint of nerves, my brave six year old girl finished my reading for me and read out the last line. Wow.

After a standing ovation and with a final thank you, I nearly cried (!) but held it together and then it was time to sign some books. Lots of books! Much to my delight, I soon had a queue of people waiting with books in their hand to have them signed by me. And we sold that many books on the night that we completely sold out!

My book launch was absolutely everything I hoped it would be and more and as career highlights go, it’s right up there at the top.

Thank you to everyone who came and shared in my book/ publishing delight. You made this debut author, very, very happy indeed.

See you at the next one?



You can currently purchase ‘A Little Pick Me Up’ via my publisher’s site or via Amazon. (And if you do and you enjoy it, please get in touch as I’d absolutely love to hear what you think.)


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