Want to make dramatic changes to your life for the better next year, but don’t know where to begin? Here are a few ways you can start to go about it.

Live alone or move to a new place

Moving house really can be a fresh new chapter; it can be a chance to experience completely different surroundings. If you’re in a position where you can move to a new city, to the country, to somewhere you’ve never lived before, even a new country then grab it by both hands- call a house removals company and go for it. It doesn’t need to be forever but it can teach you so much. Living alone is another great way to find out more about yourself, if you’ve recently had a relationship breakdown or currently live with family or roommates then why not go it alone for a while? It’s a chance to show yourself that you can stand on your own two feet, work out your own finances, decorate how you want, eat what you want and generally march to the beat of your own drum.


Travel solo

Another thing you can do to show yourself you’re capable and independent is to travel alone. From navigating your way around a foreign country to getting to the right gate at the airport, sorting your transfers, accommodation and more- if you’re able to do this, there’s not much you won;t be able to do at home. Many women can be put off solo travel due to safety issues, but choose your destination carefully and follow safety advice and you’ll be fine. Do some research before you go so you know the safest way to get around, and location sharing on our phones, fitness trackers and more will allow friends or family to keep tabs on you if you’re worried.


Take the next step to improving your career

Your career is such an important piece in the jigsaw puzzle of your life. Work isn’t everything, but the job you do can dictate your worth and self esteem, your financial position, your happiness and even your health. If you’ve been stuck in a rut for some time and are keen to move forward, decide what your next step will be. Could you do an online course to improve your education, or could you do some voluntary work to gain more experience? Could you ask for a promotion, or even start again from scratch in a brand new career, starting from the bottom and working your way up?


Get serious about your health

We all know that we need to lead a healthy lifestyle to live long and happy lives, but it’s easier said than done. But if you know you’re far too sedentary, eat the wrong things, abuse substances and don’t get enough sleep then it’s worth making a change. Any steps you can make towards a better lifestyle will help, and within a few months you’ll be feeling significantly better. Join the gym, quit smoking, eat your five a day and learn to love looking after yourself.


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