Now that we are in November there can be no denying that Christmas will soon be upon us. The shops are playing the songs, the Christmas ads are starting to pop up and the toy catalogues are arriving. We know that your thoughts will soon be turning to all that you need to do to ensure everyone has a fun Yuletide, so we want to help you out by sharing a few tips around getting your home ready for the festive season.

Give it a spring clean this month

There is something about Christmas that makes us want to clean and get everything in our home perfect, isn’t there? Maybe it is the prospect of hosting guests or the idea that if you clean now then maybe you can actually have a break over Christmas? Whatever it is, it is a good idea to give your home a good clean this month.

You will probably be putting Christmas decorations, wreaths, lights, trees and more up all over your home, so it makes sense to clean before you do this as cleaning round all of that is going to be a difficult task.


Have a good declutter

With an influx of gifts and new things, it helps to have a good declutter before Christmas.

This actually works well with your spring clean as you can get rid of things as you are working your way around your home.

If you have children, they are bound to have things that they no longer play with or read and the chances are that they are about to have quite a few new things to play with, so spend some time helping them to declutter their rooms. Explain to them that other children could enjoy playing with their old toys and that if would be nice to pass them on. The idea that they are making room for new things tends to also help them to give things up more easily!


Add something new

Along with your traditional decorations, it can be fun to add something new for the festive season. Have a chat with your family about what they might like to do differently this year and agree on one or two new items or traditions.

You might simply choose a few new decorations for your Christmas tree or perhaps new fairy lights to decorate your hearth with. A festive candle can be a lovely addition or perhaps you could make a hot chocolate station with your children. Exterior lights and decorations are becoming more and more popular every year, so perhaps you could add something outside.

You might choose to add a touch of glamour inside with a vintage style drinks trolley to show off during the holiday season or you might choose to invest in a warm and cosy log burner.


Ensure that you are stocked with the essentials

Whether you have been buying gifts all year or you will have a mad dash around the shops in December, it helps to have everything that you need in your home ready. Ensure that you have plenty of wrapping paper, cards, sellotape and gift tags.

And do not forget batteries. Always, always, stock your home up with batteries ready for the big day as you just know that you are going to need them!


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