Sometimes the only thing that can make you feel normal is a trip to the store to buy yourself a whole new outfit, complete with shoes and accessories. However, do this on a regular basis and soon enough you will be running out of wardrobe space faster than ever! And if certain materials can’t be stored in the proper way, it could mean that the quality of your garments gets affected in the process. So, how do you control your closet to contain the essentials? With these top tips you can find a number of ways to adopt a more minimalist approach, that can help you to reduce the amount of outfits that you have sitting unloved inside your wardrobe!

Get Selling 

Though it may feel very difficult to part with any of your clothes, something that can make it much easier to bear is the simple factor of attaching a price. There’s no reason that you should just give everything away for free (unless it’s to a charity) as don’t forget how much it cost you initially, and even if you make a sale for half the price it can go towards purchasing new outfits and is more sustainable too.

There are many ways of selling clothes, both online and in person. If you have a large quantity of low brand items, put them into one same bag and weigh it – there are many companies that buy kilograms of clothes to recycle and convert into something more useful and beneficial. If perhaps you have some high fashion pieces, post them on various selling sites on the internet, providing a description of the quality, age and features, then view some similar items and price yours accordingly. People can actually bid on your piece and if a collector happens across something they like, you could end up with a huge profit!


Try To Prioritise 

It can be hard to let go of your clothes forever; so perhaps you may want to consider other options that will allow you to essentially have your cake and eat it too. Prioritising each piece by season which help you to take out what you actually need and store the items that will not be used for several months. You don’t need a miniskirt in the depths of winter, so pack it up and put it somewhere out of the way to leave space for the pieces you will wear on a regular basis. You could rent a self storage container that you can revisit at any time to pick up, drop off or exchange any of your items (and store many extras like furniture too), as this will keep them all out of harm’s way in a more temperature controlled environment and make it accessible whilst still allowing you to gain access whenever you need it.

Making space in your wardrobe when your clothes begin to take over doesn’t have to be as hard as you might think – by following the steps above you can help yourself to reduce and prioritise your outfits in the most productive and beneficial way possible!


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