A Stylish Guide To Sustainable Fashion

Sustainability is a huge thing right now. It’s more than just a buzzword that has become popular, though, as more and more people are now taking positive action to try and make their own life a lot more sustainable and eco-friendly. We now know that the way we live can have a huge effect on the environment around us, so lots of us are now being more proactive than ever to do our bit in the fight against climate change and global warming. Did you know that your wardrobe is a great place to start making your life a lot more environmentally friendly?

The fashion industry is hardly the most sustainable, especially these days when there is a focus on fast fashion that is cheap and doesn’t last that long. But there are ways you can enjoy your clothes guilt-free. Here are some ways you can create a stylish and sustainable wardrobe.

Have A Fashion Fast

One of the best things you can do is to simply stop buying brand-new clothes. At least for a set period of time anyway. More and more people are taking “fashion fasts” – they are just like food fasts, but with clothes. You set yourself a length of time, maybe a month or two, during which time you don’t buy anything new. If you feel the urge to go shopping, you should dig deep into your wardrobe. I bet that there are lots of garments in there that you forgot that you had. Rediscovering them will make you feel just as great as when you find something amazing on a shop’s rack!

Swap Garments With Your Friends

Why not swap some of your clothes with your friends? You could even host a special gettogether where your friends can come round to yours with clothes that they no longer wear. Let them go through your pile of unwanted clothes as well. I’m sure you will all really enjoy rummaging through each other’s clothes to see what great finds there are. As well as that, it’s also a chance to swap some fashion tips and advice with each other.


Try Making Your Own Clothes

Have you ever thought about making your own clothes? Don’t worry; you don’t have to be a talented seamstress or tailor to make great clothes. In fact, more people are now starting to craft their own garments in an effort to curb their purchasing. You just need to buy a sewing machine and sewing kit that contains some basics, like scissors, needles, and measuring tape. Then you can start looking on the Dalston Mill Fabrics website for some fabrics. You will also need some sewing patterns as well. If you look in your local sewing shop or online, you will be able to find some that are ideal for beginners.

Buy Vintage And Secondhand

If you do feel compelled to buy some new clothes for yourself, you should head to your nearest charity shop or vintage store. Even though you are buying clothes that are new to you, they have been worn and used by someone previously, so this isn’t quite as bad as buying them brand new. Not only that, though, but some charity shops will help to fund environmental causes so by shopping in them you will be helping to do some good for the environment still.

Donate Or Sell Old Pieces You No Longer Wear

If you have any items of clothing that don’t fit you anymore or you no longer want them, you shouldn’t just bin them. They will then only go to a landfill site and will end up causing issues for the environment. Instead, it is much better to take them to your local charity shop and donate them. Alternatively, you could list them on sites like eBay or Depop to try to sell them.


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