Having kids makes many changes in your life, and aside from the lack of sleep and the additional domestic workload, there are also some really nice things – one of which is how much more often you have house guests. Whether it’s grandparents or siblings keen to spend time with their new family member or old friends visiting instead of you all going for a night out, there’s much more opportunity to have people stay. This means that you’ll want to create a welcoming atmosphere for your guests – and there are lots of things you can do, from large projects to smaller touches.

Making More Space

Sometimes having a family means we need more room – but instead of moving, you can look at ways of adding space to your home, especially if you want to create a guest bedroom. A good firm of Residential Architects can advise you on what options are available in your existing home – anything from loft conversions to single storey extensions or converting a garage into an extra bedroom can give you space, both for your family and for hosting guests.

Cut The Clutter

Another way to make your home feel much more spacious and welcoming to guests is to go on a mission to bust clutter by streamlining possessions and investing in some storage solutions. Tackle areas which are black holes of mess first – an entryway can be transformed with some hooks for coats, a slim console table with space for keys and post, and a shoe cabinet to keep clutter organised. In other rooms, you could look for solutions which offer hidden storage – a stylish storage ottoman can provide extra seating, double as an informal coffee table with the addition of a tray for cups, and also open up to swallow toys or cosy throws. Similarly, a sofa which features a pull-out bed gives you an extra way of accommodating guests other than a spare room.

Add The Little Touches 

Once you have a sleeping space sorted for your guests, and any kids clutter under control, the creation of a welcoming atmosphere is all in the details. First, look at the lighting scheme – the right one can have a transformative impact on the feel of a room. Add a few lamps to create the cosy factor, highlight a favourite piece of art or add a statement cluster light above a dining table to create an inviting space. Create layers with different types of lighting and your space will appear so much more welcoming. Scent also plays a huge role in your environment, but it’s often neglected. Using natural soy scented candles, fresh flowers, an aromatherapy diffuser or even dabbing some essential oil onto lightbulbs and radiators will create a subtle welcome for guests. Or for a double whammy you could try baking – makes the house smell great plus provides an edible treat for welcoming people as well. Add in a few warm colours with soft throws or extra cushions while you’re at it – colour psychology tells us that people instinctively feel more at home when they’re surrounded by warmer shades like orange, yellow and red.


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