Does Exercise Need To Be So Boring?

Exercise, if done right, isn’t boring. It’s fun, dynamic, ever-changing, and has goals in mind.

But, unfortunately, it can be extremely repetitive if left alone, or if following a set training plan. However, there’s no reason why your exercise should be boring. Thinking of what exercise is. Physical activity conducted in order to remain in shape and keep your weight at a healthy level. Well, physical activity is perhaps one of the most fundamental and important identity traits of us as people. Each and every day of our lives, we will move in some capacity. So why have we segmented this into something that feels unnatural, unhappy, and a chore? Why don’t we inject a little freshness, vitality and passion into our exercise? Why don’t we make it a vibrant undertaking that helps inform us of who we are, and gives us the motivation to push forward in every capacity?

This can be achieved, if only you’re willing to place your efforts in this direction. I would love to suggest the following in order to help you with this decision:

Steward An Amazing Goal

Deciding on an amazing goal from the outset can help exercise take on its own purpose. For example, you might wish to compete in a bicycle race or triathlon, as there are some amazing places around the world you can experience this. For example, heading to the London Marathon might be your first and most grounded tour through the city streets.

You might decide to conduct a wonderful Everest base camp trek with, or potentially even visit gyms you hope to learn from, such as the prestigious Wichita Falls Athletic Club in Texas, the home of Mark Rippetoe and his excellent Starting Strength weightlifting program. Stewarding an amazing goal can be an extremely enlightening experience for all, and give us something truly wonderful to look forward to.

Make It A Social Experience

Social experiences can help justify fun in exercise more than anything else. Training with someone, exploring routes and form with them, and making progress together can be an extremely wonderful bonding experience for the both of you, and your continued progress together can motivate you to move forward and enjoy the breadcrumb trail of excellence you hope to enjoy.

Learn Through Movement

You truly do learn something exciting through exercising. You learn to push your limits, to remove your fears, and to feel more capable. You learn that you are always worth more than you think, and that your imagination is only constrained by your self-imposed limiting beliefs.

You will often feel active, interested and entertained, and perhaps even more wonderful than you ever have. Learning through movement can help you feel even more willing to try new things than you might have been. After all, if managing to run three miles in a quick time, surely weightlifting might be worth a go? The world is your oyster when you think this way.

With these tips, exercise is sure to lose some of its perceived negative aspects.


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