Feeling Beautiful To Be Beautiful

‘Beauty comes from within’, ‘Beauty is in the eye of the beholder’, ‘Beauty is pain’, ‘Beauty is only skin deep’. These are all very common sayings that we hear or see all the time. But what exactly is beauty? What does it mean to be beautiful? Does your age define beauty? Colour? Race? Is it determined by what you see in the media?

Beauty is defined differently all over the world, for example, Kayan tribes believe that long giraffe type necks are the ultimate sign of beauty.

In several parts of Asia, pale or white skin is seen as a sign of beauty and affluence, however in the western world people use fake tan or go to extreme lengths to get a tan in the name of beauty and in other countries, women bleach their skin to be lighter. So, as various cultures determine different attributes to be beautiful then how will you ever know what real beauty is? Well, there is no right or wrong answer, perhaps this is where the saying “Beauty is in the eye of the beholder” comes in, but more importantly, it’s not about someone else finding you beautiful, it’s about feeling beautiful yourself and within yourself – but how do you do that?

If you are feeling horrible, ugly and not your best, it can be hard to imagine feeling beautiful. You might think that you have to book in for some cosmetic surgery and change the way you are, but you really don’t. Start with some simple things which will make you feel better, and you’ll be feeling beautiful in no time – and that’s the most important thing.

Start with smiling

It lights up your face, makes you feel happy and in turn makes others feel happy too.

Stand up straight

Hold your head up high, throw your shoulders back and even if you’re not feeling confident – pretend you are! You know the saying “fake it ‘till you make it”? Practice working on your posture and you will look confident and feel amazing.  

Stay positive

Focus on your best features and attributes and not the worst. Don’t look at the wrinkles or the lumps and bumps, look at the parts you do like and if you don’t have any then find some. You have so many more beautiful features than you think and you probably take them for granted and focus on the ones you don’t like, well it’s time to change that and show off those good bits. Your body is fantastic, no matter what size or shape you are, look at the functions your body performs and appreciate the magnificent job it does.

Embrace your flaws

Everyone has them, you only focus on yours, and while you’re doing that, no one else is looking at your flaws but just concentrating on their own. So, embrace them, they are what makes you, you and what makes you unique.

Be Yourself

Whether it’s showing your excitement or enthusiasm, expressing yourself or breaking a sweat, you are human, explain your feelings and be yourself. It is a beautiful thing to see people being who they are, showing their happiness, sadness or tiredness. Don’t let your insecurities about your appearance hold you back from being who you are. Plus, exercising will make you glow, release endorphins and no matter how sweaty and out of breath you get, ultimately it will make you shine.

Don’t Overdo it

Don’t try too hard when it comes to make-up or clothes. Less is more, and if you’re not feeling comfortable in what you are wearing, chances are you won’t look comfortable either. Don’t spend thousands getting surgery or obsess over exercise or food, if you try too hard, you could look desperate, and that isn’t a beautiful characteristic to have.

Dress for Yourself

Don’t dress to impress anyone else but yourself. If you don’t know what suits you in terms for what will suit your body type, your age and your colouring, then ask for help. There are plenty of stylist services who can help you to find clothing to highlight your best features and feel the best you can be.

Do Beautiful Things

Even if you don’t feel beautiful, it doesn’t mean that there is no beauty in the world. Surround yourself with beautiful things, and you will feel beautiful too. If you practice beautiful movement such as ballet, tai chi, yoga, your body will respond in beautiful new ways. If movement isn’t your thing, then how about painting something beautiful, listening to beautiful music or going for a walk somewhere that you find beautiful! Living a beautiful life will make you feel beautiful inside.

Write Things Down

Get a pen and paper and write down all of the things that you do that are beautiful. It isn’t just about how you look but about what you do, what you give, what you create and who you are. This is easy to forget but if beauty comes from within then have a look inside yourself and make a note of all that is beautiful inside you.

Be Kind

Being kind to others is a beautiful way to be and acting this way will make you feel good and make you feel beautiful too. If you do beautiful things – whatever you deem as beautiful then you will be “being beautiful” which will mean you are beautiful.

Don’t Worry

Stop thinking about the negative parts of yourself and worrying about your age or your appearance. If you are stuck thinking these things, then you need to take a step back and notice it actively. Redirect your thinking and look at yourself in a different light.

See Yourself Through Someone Else’s Eyes

Try and think about how others see you, how loved ones feel about you, care about you and what they see in you. Look at yourself through their eyes and appreciate yourself for how beautiful you are and how beautiful others see you.

Be At One With Nature

Being outside, connecting with nature and enjoying your surroundings is a beautiful thing. Enjoy it, make the most of it and don’t take it for granted.

Look After Yourself

Taking care of yourself is hugely important, love yourself and treat yourself. Pampering yourself or treating yourself to a nice bath, a relaxing afternoon with a good book will make you feel relaxed and happy. Make sure you get enough sleep, and lack of sleep can make you feel groggy and make you look tired and unwell. Not getting enough sleep can also be damaging for your mental wellbeing and can consequently make you not be able to perform your best in your job or day to day life, which will make you unhappy and then that beautiful smile will be gone.

Cut The Bad Habits

If you smoke or drink too much, then stop. Both will age your skin, are bad for your health, smoking smells awful and will make your clothes and hair smell too, and if you can drop this and start taking care of yourself, you’ll instantly feel more beautiful.

Take Care Of Your Teeth

You should be smiling often, so you’ll want your teeth to look your best. Whether it means regular trips to your dental practice, getting your teeth whitened or making more time for flossing, white, clean teeth can make you look ten years younger, give you confidence and make you want to smile to show them off.


If day-to-day life or significant life events stress you, then this will show in your body. If you know, the cause of your stress then try and find a way to relieve it, if you can avoid stress, then do so, if not then work out what helps you de-stress. Is it, having a bath? Watching TV? Getting a massage? Whatever works for you, do it!

Spend Time With People You Love

Don’t just spend time with them, show them you love them. Hug people you love, hold hands with your partner, kiss your children – showing affection is a beautiful things, and it can’t help but give you the warm and fuzzies.

Cook Beautiful Food

Nutritious, healthy and delicious food not only looks beautiful but tastes it too. If you enjoy cooking, then this is a beautiful hobby, something you can share with loved ones, either by doing it together or cooking for the people you love. Eating healthy nutritious food will also do wonders for your skin, your hair, your body and your mind.  

Be Your Best

If dressing up nicely makes you feel good, then do it. If doing your nails or getting your hair done makes you feel good then do it! Anything that makes you feel beautiful will make you look beautiful. Be grateful for everything that you are and everything that you have, think beautiful thoughts and do beautiful things. Don’t forget how beautiful you are and if you’re not feeling it, then start at the beginning and beautiful things will come your way.


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