Moving house is one of life’s most stressful experiences. This is probably why people don’t tend to do it too often. The thought of going through the arduous mortgage application process, the stressful wait for your offer to be accepted, the numerous pauses along the housing chain, and the constant worry that your move to your dream home may fall through can be hugely stressful. However, if you approach your house move with an organised and sensible frame of mind, you can ensure that your house move goes without a hitch.


While you don’t want to appear too much of a geek, writing a list that turns into a working document is key if you are to stay organised. You may find that the initial list is vast and induces the odd heart palpitation. Don’t worry. Many of the things on this list won’t even be in your control and you will have to rely on other individuals like your home loan lender, your real estate agent or other people in your property chain that you’ve never even met. Consider what you are in control of. When the fixtures and fittings forms are sent to you by your lawyer, fill them in quickly and send them back within forty eight hours. Don’t file them away and then wonder why on Earth things aren’t progressing. Paperwork needs to be sorted swiftly, so it can be another thing that you can tick off your list.

Any problems that arise can move onto the list and you can contact the relevant person to help smooth things out. Has the survey thrown up some anomalies in the roof of the home you want to buy? Contact a roofing specialist and get a second opinion before you part with your cash.


Moving Day

It’s not unheard of for people to be calling around frantically with less than a week until moving day because they’ve forgotten to organise their removals. Be an early bird and choose a movers with an excellent reputation, exceptional reviews online and personal recommendations from friends. Some movers will even help you get a head start weeks in advance and will pop over to your pad to do all of your packing. You won’t have to worry about the bubble wrap, the brown tape, or sourcing boxes. They’ll do it all for you. This gives you more time to try and lessen your stress about other aspects of your move.


Real Estate

If you have found the house of your dreams, but you cannot seem to shift your own humble abode, it’s ok to change up the real estate agent you have. Some are better than others at selling certain types of home. Ensure that the real estate agent you hire is well respected in your community, has plenty of potential buyers on their books, and is renowned for selling your sort of dwelling.

Buying and selling houses is not most people’s idea of fun. However, get it right by following this guide, and you could end up with your dream home and you’ll never have to move again.


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