Today it’s all ‘natural this’, ‘natural that’, and ‘organic is even better’. Synthetic chemicals are treated as if they are the ambassadors of the devil himself instead of results produced by decades of technological advancements and innovation. The beauty industry is getting particularly vocal in this with the “natural” product sales going through the roof.

And why wouldn’t they if chemicals are so very bad for you, right?

But the truth, as always, is a lot more complicated than that. First of all, you need to understand that “natural” and even “organic” cosmetic products might not be as chemical-free as you’d like to believe. And also, they might not be as good for your skin and hair as their synthetic counterparts. After all, progress and innovation are what brought humans into space, why would the beauty products they create be bad for you?

One also shouldn’t forget that, somewhat conveniently, all-natural and organic beauty products are a lot more expensive. Just some food for thought.

How Natural Is ‘Natural’?

Let’s make one thing perfectly clear, if you want a 100% natural beauty product, you must make it yourself using 100% natural ingredients in your kitchen. Even then it might be argued that it contains some synthetic chemicals because of the fertilisers and other chemicals used to grow the plants you’ll lovingly make your homemade beauty remedies from.

If the product is from the store and its expiration date exceeds two weeks, it must have some preservatives and other completely ‘unnatural’ chemicals. Remember those homemade beauty remedy recipes. They usually state you can keep the thing for a week or two tops, and that’s only if you keep it in the fridge. No beauty business can survive creating something that short-lived.

Therefore, the ‘natural’ and ‘organic’ words on the label do not mean that there are no synthetic chemical compounds in the formula. They only mean that the number of natural or organic ingredients there is higher. And in some cases, they mean nothing at all but an excuse to bump up the price. The beauty products industry isn’t strictly regulated, so clever manufacturers can get away with a lot.

Now that you understand that natural products might not be that natural to begin with, let’s see why even the purest of them might not be the best for you.


Why Natural Beauty Products Might Not Be the Best For You

Let’s consider a simple example. You use a homemade hair mask made of olive oil and honey and your luscious tresses shine with health. But try washing your hair with an all-natural lump of soap and you get a different result. That’s because a shampoo is another deal entirely. This product needs those pesky synthetic chemicals to remove dirt quickly and efficiently without robbing your hair of moisture and turning it into a tangled mess.

Our ancestors used the true all-natural beauty products, and yet those were quickly forgotten and replaced as the beauty industry evolved. Do you know why?

It’s because these new products were better. They were more effective.

Simple as that, professional skincare and haircare products all have complex formulas that contain both synthetic and natural chemicals. And it’s that cocktail of “old” and “new” that allows to create the best results.

There’s no denying the power of nature, so using homemade remedies can give you great results as well. But making all the products you need yourself will be a hassle and a half.

Natural and organic beauty products from the store will be effective as well. In fact, they can produce better results than regular brands, although not as good as professional-grade products. That’s because they have higher quality ingredients than your average store-grade brand. That is also why they cost more.


So, What Kind of Beauty Products Is the Best?

In beauty products it’s all about quality. This means it doesn’t matter what rate of natural to synthetic ingredients the product has. The only thing that matters is the quality of those ingredients and the efficiency of the formula.

Therefore, buy whatever you can afford that fits you. But do take the time to make an occasional lotion, face, and hair mask from the natural ingredients you’ll find in your kitchen. They are fun to make and can offer a lot of benefits to your skin and hair.


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