Using wall art is a great way to add a burst of colour to a room and make it feel more interesting and homely. If there are rooms in the house that seem a little dull and boring, you should consider experimenting with wall art. The beauty of it is, you can always change it whenever you like so if you want to freshen a space up but you don’t have the money to decorate, you can swap your wall art out for something new. If you think that your home could do with a bit of a change, these are some of the best ways to incorporate wall art.

Gallery Walls

If you have a large empty space in your home, you should consider creating a gallery wall. If you collect together a lot of different photographs or pieces of art and piece them together, you can create a very striking feature that makes a great focal point in the room. If you extend it all the way up to the ceiling, you give the impression of a much larger space as well. Gallery walls are ideal for collections of family photos, or you could even make some of your own wall art. If you get some screen printing emulsion and some stencils, you can screen print your favourite images and frame them. Something homemade is the best way to add your own personal style to the home and make it a lot more interesting.


Statement Pieces 

Instead of filling a wall with a gallery, you could consider using statement pieces instead. If you have a blank wall in a room, covering it with a large statement piece is a great way to stop the room from feeling empty. It’s a great focal point for the room, but you have to find the right balance. If you use something that is too bright and bold, it can take over the room. If you are trying to create a minimalist space, it’s best to go for something that is black and white. If you want a more homely feel, try to stick to pastel shades. It’s especially important that you are careful when choosing bedroom art because it can affect your ability to sleep if you pick something that is too loud.


Accent Walls 

As well as adding art to the walls, you can add an accent wall to a room. If the space is boring and you have very plain colours on all of the walls, the space could really benefit from a nice patterned wallpaper on one of the walls. It helps to break things up and make the decor more interesting, but you need to make sure that you get the colour scheme right. If you are using a bright, heavily patterned wallpaper, you should offset it with white or light cream walls so the room doesn’t feel too overcrowded.

Wall art is the best way to breathe new life into your home without spending lots of money on renovations.



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