We’ve been in our house nearly seven years and although we’ve done plenty of work to it, to make it into our family home, our bedroom is probably my least favourite room in the house.

Over the past few years we’ve spruced it up a little, on a budget, as we’ve concentrated on the big jobs like knocking down walls to open up the downstairs and putting in a new kitchen, but it still lacked something and one of my biggest bugbears was not having decent artwork for the walls.

But not anymore!

Thanks to the fabulous Desenio, our bedroom walls are looking much better. I now no longer sigh when I walk into the room because it lacked that extra magic, pizazz or whatever you want to call it.

I’ve been fortunate to work with this excellent Scandinavian brand before (you can see the art that’s on our living room walls from them here) and yet again it’s been a pleasure to collaborate with them on a different kind of space in my house.

If you haven’t heard of Desenio before then essentially they offer all kinds of fabulous Scandinavian artwork and matching frames at really affordable prices. Their website offers hundreds of prints to suit every taste and yet again when choosing artwork for our bedroom, I was utterly spoilt for choice.

For the bedroom I wanted some prints to work together in harmony so chose them all from a similar colour palette. I also wanted them to reflect our space as a couple, so opted for a romantic silhouette print that reminded me a little of myself and my husband, two smaller prints that spoke to my soul (I’m forever finding feathers in random places and the quote just sums up the way I try to live my life) and a huge print that I fell in love with.

The prints arrived in days and popping them up on the walls was super easy! All of the prints came in mint condition, not a wrinkle in sight!, and putting them in the frames was a doddle. I usually hate putting things in frames as I find it all a bit of a faff but honestly, it could not have been easier thanks to Desenio’s brilliant frame design.

And how do they look? Well I’ll let you be the judge of that but personally, I’m delighted. They’ve added some much needed character to our room and injected a little more soul and romance to our adult space which was exactly what I was after.

Want to add something to a tired space or get creative with a wall? Then check out Desenio’s fantastic choice of prints and frames at 

*This post is a collaborative post created in partnership with Desenio. 

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