In 2021, several emerging trends will shape the real estate industry. First, suburban migration is high and will continue to increase. Second, the government has invested in the real estate industry by providing support through programs like Simply Living Homes.

Remote working is changing demand for commercial buildings as companies want more flexible spaces that they can use on an hourly basis or even just a few hours per week. Equality and social justice are still issues in this space, but affordable housing popping up around cities like New York City and Los Angeles gives a slight reprieve. Storage facilities are also showing increased demand because people have so much stuff these days!

Suburban Migration Is High and Will Increase

The demand for suburban living is growing. It means that more people will be moving into these areas because it provides the perfect balance of affordability and proximity to work, school, or other sources of entertainment. So if you are looking at investing in property now so you can sell them later when they become more sought-after, then this might be your chance.

In response to the increasing population growth rates outside city centres and an increased interest from developers who are getting involved with construction projects in suburban locations, land prices within suburbia will continue to rise as supply falls short of demand as predicted.

This trend has led some experts to predict that by 2021, populations in poorer inner suburbs could reach a breaking point and begin to decline.

Real Estate Industry Has Government Support

The government has taken an active role in the real estate industry by funding and sponsoring programs to create more affordable homes for low-income families. The federal government is also investing heavily in infrastructure projects like roads, bridges, and highways, which will improve access to both employment centers and residential areas across the country.

Affordable housing is still an issue because rents are rising. Homeownership can be expensive for people who don’t have much money to save up before purchasing the property. It’s difficult but not impossible to find quality homes in good neighborhoods that won’t cost you your entire paycheck every month just for rent alone. There are many communities, including new ones popping up all over the country, where low-cost rental units exist with lower payments than what some other areas might charge residents, as well as ample parking spaces available at reasonable rates.

Remote Working Changes Demand for Commercial Buildings

f a company allows its employees to work remotely, it will change how they need office space. It means that they might be looking for smaller spaces and in more desirable locations. A remote-working trend also changes what technology infrastructure you’ll need in your building, as there will likely be fewer people coming into the office regularly. If this becomes popular with companies around 2021 or 2026 (when Millennials have fully graduated from college), then now would be an ideal time to purchase commercial property at a reasonable price because of potential vacancies created by these types of trends.

There Is a Demand for Equality and Social Justice

The demand for equality and social justice is growing with movements such as Black Lives Matter. Thus, resulting in protests that have shut down commerce at a national level. In addition, the industry will likely be dealing with more regulation over time, particularly around workforce issues like parental leave mandates on employers, affordable housing, and nonracial discrimination in tenancy.

Some people believe stricter regulations might not suit businesses, but it’s unclear what effect these measures would have on the overall industry by 2021. What is clear is that there must be an emphasis on diversifying tenant populations across all income levels.

Affordable Housing Is Still an Issue

Affordable housing is one of the most debated topics in real estate.  The demand for affordable housing has increased due to several factors, including an increase in price and a decrease in low-income households.

In 2021, the issue of affordable housing is still an ongoing problem. Many families can’t afford to live in big cities and must commute hours each day, thus losing time and getting tired because they cannot find a place within their price range near work.

It creates more traffic on highways and takes away from the environment as well by creating pollution. Sometimes it is hard for these people trying to get back home at night, so they have to take public transportation or stay in hotels that cost them even more money than what they would be spending if they had been living somewhere else close by.

Storage Facilities Are in Demand

In the future, there is a demand for storage facilities. With more people working remotely, they can’t use their homes as an office and need to find places to store equipment.  The remote work trends will also affect residential prices, which should decrease while commercial space prices increase due to increased demand requiring face-to-face contact with clients like in traditional brick and mortar retail stores.

This increasing trend towards online shopping has made some retailers rethink how they operate. Stores will offer services such as pickup and return options, so customers don’t have to leave home if it’s not necessary or get stuck waiting in long lines at customer service desks when returning items.

The demand for storage facilities has been consistently high every year. In the upcoming years, this trend should increase as more people are moving into new homes or transferring their belongings from one home to the other. Many of them are empty nesters who require a lot more space than what they have at their disposal now that all their children have grown up and left home.


In conclusion, the above emerging trends will be the future of real estate and will affect the world market.

The emerging trend of suburban migration is high. It will increase as people get away from big cities with too many traffic jams, overcrowded public transit, higher crime rates, and others. In addition, there is government support for this movement which promotes investments in infrastructures such as energy plants and roads infrastructure projects that may provide job opportunities across different regions of the world.

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