Wedding season is now in full swing, so what better time to ensure you look and feel your best? If you have a lot of weddings to attend this year, there are a few great beauty tips you’ll want to follow.

Here, you’ll discover some of the best beauty tips to get you wedding ready.

Ensuring your make-up lasts all day

One of the main challenges of weddings is that they typically run all day. This means, you’re going to need your makeup to do the same. A lot of photos are going to be taken, which means there’s a lot of pressure to continually look great. So, what makeup tips can you follow to ensure it lasts all day?

If it’s going to be hot on the big day, you’ll want to ensure your foundation is waterproof. A great way to do this is to apply a little Milk of Magnesia onto the skin with a cotton wool ball. This will provide literally hours of coverage. A lip stain is also a great idea instead of lipstick as it will last so much longer.


Get an instant beautiful smile

Chances are, you’re going to be smiling for a lot of photos at the wedding. So, if you have chipped teeth, you might want to consider investing in tooth repair. It may cost a little more but the confidence you’ll gain will be more than worth the cost. You won’t mind at all smiling for the hundreds of photos you’ll be forced into on the big day.

Keep the body hydrated

One of the best and simplest tips you can follow to look great all day long, is to keep the body hydrated. As far ahead of the event as possible, start drinking plenty of water each day. Water is one of the best things to make the skin look healthy and glowing. It eliminates toxins from the body and if you add a little lime or coconut water, that will also help you to combat bloat.

These are some of the best tips you can follow to ensure you’re ready for wedding season. No matter what your budget, there’s a tip above you can follow right now to help achieve that perfect wedding look. Remember not to crash diet too. Although this may help you to shed the pounds, it’s not going to make your skin or hair look any healthier.


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