Thailand Travel Checklist: 4 Things You Must Do

The world is full of amazing places that are more than worth travelling to. If you’re looking for an experience like no other, then head to Asia and touch down in the totally terrific island paradise of Thailand. It’s a very unique country, and you’ll probably not want to leave once you get there!

If any of you are planning a trip to this part of the world, then here are some things you can’t leave Thailand without doing.

Have Fun With Thai Elephants

I’m sure you’ve all got at least one friend that went on a gap year to Thailand and posted photos on Instagram with elephants. You probably wondered why on earth they’d go and see elephants in such a cool country, but the reason is simple; it’s the national symbol of Thailand. You can’t come here and not see them, it’s essential! My advice is to avoid any elephant sanctuaries or parks that take advantage of the animals and try to get them to perform. Instead, look for somewhere that takes care of them and lets you get up close and personal by feeding them treats.

Visit Railay Beach

Railay Beach is like no other beach you’ve probably ever been on. This is a place that you can only get to by boat, and it’s surrounded by a crystal blue sea. If anything, it’s more of an island than a beach, but many people still consider this to be the best of Thailands beaches. The best thing about it is that it’s very quiet and hardly anyone goes there because of the effort it takes to get to. But, you need to see it! You need to lay on the hot golden sand and spend the day relaxing in one of the world’s most idyllic spots.

See The Grand Palace

Bangkok is very much the central tourist hub of Thailand, and this is where you’ll find most of the crowds. Follow the biggest crowds, and you’ll end up at The Grand Palace. It’s incredibly busy, but you simply can’t leave Thailand without visiting it. The buildings are centuries old, a beauty to behold, and you’ll learn so much about the culture of the country and the intriguing history.

Find The Floating Markets

I think that going to local markets is always a great way to experience local life in any travel destination you go to. In Thailand, things are made even better by the fact that they have floating markets. These markets have stalls on rivers, with people using boats to get around and buy everything. It’s honestly an experience you won’t get anywhere else, so go find a floating market and have some fun! Even if you don’t buy anything, you’ll still sail away with some top-class photos to amaze your friends.

It almost feels like a crime to only give you four things to do in Thailand. The truth is, there are so many amazing things you can enjoy while you’re there. But, if there are four things you absolutely must do without fail, then these are it. Anything other than these things is a bonus!


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