Tag Pregnancy


I CAN remember the days when I actually used to looked forward to my period arriving. (Kind of.) Back in my youth and in my twenties, when babies were not even on the bottom of a future ‘to do’ list. When being a mum wasn’t even on the agenda and I didn’t even know if I ever wanted it to be. “Thank goodness for that!” I would often silently exclaim

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Five reasons to visit Florence

YESTERDAY I was looking through some old holiday photographs and I started to think about all the incredible places that I’ve visited which have a special place in my heart. I’ve been very fortunate to have seen as much of the world as I have (although there’s still so much more I NEED to see!) but when it comes to those places that I will remember fondly forever, I’ve got

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1. When you become a parent, your life will never be the same as it was, but that’s ok because your little person or little people will only enrich it. 2. It is EXHAUSTING at times, but you soon become an expert at getting by on little sleep and dealing with the awful sleep deprivation. 3. Breastfeeding can be a tricky business, but if it comes easily to you and

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Five things MEN can do to help women feel better about their bodies (and looks)

TODAY is a first for me on Pouting In Heels, because I am writing a post aimed at men. “Why on earth would you do that?!” I hear you cry. Well, it’s very simple really. Last Friday, I wrote this post in a bid to encourage more of you gorgeous women to learn to love your bodies and in response to that, a male friend of mine made my absolute day by

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FRIDAY FIVE: 5 things women need to STOP doing to their bodies

A FEW weeks into the New Year and I don’t know about you, but if I see another weight loss piece in the media or hear from another friend, about her new fad diet, I am going to scream. I’m all for self improvement but this obsession with bodies and diets, which is particularly evident at this time of year, is quite frankly driving me nuts. Why? Because most of

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FRIDAY FIVE: Five good things that come from being poorly…

SOOO… I’ve been pretty quiet on the blog of late but for a very good reason. I’ve been fighting the lurgy. As too has my husband and little Elsie. Yep, for the past week or so, our precious household has been under attack from germs a plenty. Thankfully, we all seem to now be coming out on the other side and today, for the first time in about a week,

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SECRETS: How I feel about my post pregnancy body

I’M going to say something rather shocking. Something that some beauty companies and marketeers as well as female-bashing media appear not to want any new mum to say. It’s pretty radical. Are you ready? Ok here goes… I love my post pregnancy body. Yep, you heard right. I don’t hate it. I’m not disgusted or horrified by it. I’m not insecure about it. And I don’t just like it. I love

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Pouting In Heels is named as a top baby blog!…

SOMETIMES when I occasionally lose my blogging mojo, I wonder why I am spending so much time beavering away, when I could be sat with my feet up relaxing. And the incredible thing, is that, usually, just when I’m feeling especially fed up, something amazing happens and my blogging joy returns. Something, just like this. Yes folks, I’m not going to deny that I’m as pleased as punch to tell

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