Unusual comfort, charm, originality – everything that describes a long pile of carpet! It has lots of advantages, as well as some disadvantages, which you have to consider before making a purchase. Keep in mind that long pile carpets should not be placed in the nursery room, as they are exceptional dust collectors. Professional carpet cleaning should be done several times a year. Regular vacuuming is not enough for removing all the dust and dirt.


Why you should buy a long pile of carpet?

  • Perfectly insulates the floor.
  • Is a source of noise absorption, which is important for the peace of the household.
  • Has an antistatic effect.
  • Has extraordinarily fluffy and soft when touched.
  • Performs a miniature foot massage when you walk over it. The soles are the location of many energy points that are responsible for the proper functioning of organs in the human body.
  • Is constantly pleasing for the eye, unconsciously improving your mood.
  • Improves the room’s microclimate by absorbing excess moisture.
  • Makes the room more beautiful and cosy.

However, there are few disadvantages of long pile carpets, and we have to mention them:

  • Wear and loss of attractive appearance with high traffic. Therefore, they should not be laid in corridors, on stairs, or in hallways.
  • A heavily soiled fluffy carpet cannot be perfectly vacuum cleaned. It can be maintained only with the help of carpet cleaning services. Deep carpet cleaning has to be done once or twice a year if you want to keep your long pile carpet clean.
  • Dents from heavy furniture. It is not advisable to buy a large carpet for a room full of cumbersome items, e.g. wardrobes, as part of it would have to be pushed under the furniture.

Domestic Carpet Cleaning Rules

There are several rules that can make carpet cleaning easier for you:

  • long loops lend themselves better to cleaning if you put a plastic smooth nozzle on the vacuum cleaner (without a brush);
  • any stain must be quickly removed so that it does not penetrate the loop fabric;
  • vacuuming preferably twice a week.


Useful Ways to Clean Carpets

The main rule is the following: before you clean the carpet with some detergent or home-made cleaning solutions, use a vacuum. Do not forget that it must be vacuumed in two directions. Otherwise, when wet cleaning, the stain will spread over the surface due to the dust being present there.


There are many methods for domestic carpet cleaning, but the most popular are:

  • Cleaning the carpet with baking soda, dish soap, vinegar and water – In a 0.5 litre bottle, mix 2 tablespoons soda, 1 tablespoon dishwashing liquid, 2 tablespoons vinegar, add water, spray on the stain, wait about 10 minutes, then rub with a brush and pat dry with a clean cloth.
  • You can clean old stains (juice, coffee, wine, tea) with ammonia. This is an inexpensive way to add colour and shine to the carpet. Pour 2 teaspoons of ammonia into 1 litre of water, then proceed as mentioned above, additionally ventilate the room.
  • The long pile carpet can be purged from the fur of your favourite animals with a special clothing brush or a sticky roller.
  • Chewing gum stuck to the nap is removable with a frozen ice cube.
  • Greasy stains should be immediately sprinkled with a fat-soluble substance (starch, baby powder, salt, talcum powder or sawdust). Next, apply toilet paper, iron with a moderately heated iron, changing until the traces of the stain disappear.

By properly caring for the carpet, you will extend its life and you will enjoy it for many years to come!



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