“Who’s Mary?”

“Your Grandad keeps saying ‘Mary, Mary, Mary….’ over and over.”

“That is his wife. My Gran.” I said. And smiled.

Last year I had a reading with Emma Kinsey, regarded by many as one of the UK’ s leading psychic mediums and it pretty much blew my mind.

Back in February 2016, Emma gave me all kinds of messages, shared information about passed loves ones and predicted that I would soon be pregnant with a baby boy. She even told me that she believed that our baby would be born or conceived in May.

At the time, when she told me, I was highly skeptical to be honest. Jamie and I had been trying for a second child for months and not having any luck whatsoever, so I really didn’t think we’d ever get pregnant again. It had taken us over two years of trying to conceive Elsie and so, as things seemed to be against us again, I really wasn’t convinced.

But. As you will know, if you are a visitor to this blog, quite remarkably Emma was absolutely right!

We did conceive in May, just a few months after my psychic chat, and our beautiful baby boy Leo was born at the beginning of this year. Pretty astonishing right?

So a few weeks ago, I decided I’d love another Skype *chat with Emma to see if she could shed anymore light on my life, loved ones and future and contacted her to book in an appointment. We spoke last Tuesday morning – as some of you may have seen on Instagram stories – and once again, it was really enlightening.

As vibes go, Emma gives off the very best kind, and even though I was nervous to chat to her some more, I needn’t have worried. Speaking to her is like talking to a warm, wise, kind friend and so, just like before it was a really lovely experience.

Two of my grandparents made ‘an appearance’ and Emma shared their messages and provided me with personal information, most of which was absolutely spot on and most of which, she could not have known or found out.

Whereas last time our chat was very much about the baby boy that was on his way (and is now currently snoozing away upstairs!), this time around, the information that came to light was very much career focused. Emma could see all kinds of exciting developments in my future including me appearing on television and having an agent, which raised my eyebrows a lot, but hey who knows?!

Some strange and wonderful opportunities have come to me through this blog. I mean, I even found myself on the cover of a national magazine a few years ago randomly, so really nothing would surprise me! It’s quite incredible what opportunities can come your way if you ‘put yourself out there.’

But as fascinating as the future predictions were from Emma, the highlight of our conversation was definitely hearing personal messages from my Grandparents, whom I love and miss dearly.

It was hearing that my Grandad leaves me feathers everywhere to make his presence known and gasping with the realisation that for years I’ve been finding tiny feathers in the most random of places.

It was hearing that my Grandma who suffered from Alzheimers before she passed, was always aware that her loved ones were with her, even though it appeared otherwise to us at the time.

It was hearing that my Grandparents have been reunited after their passing and chuckling to myself as Emma described their relationship dynamics to a tee.

Chatting to Emma really was a pleasure. I came away from our conversation with a spring in my step and an even greater appreciation and respect for her work.

I know some people don’t believe in this kind of thing. Perhaps you’re one of them? I know that some of you reading this will think it’s a load of old nonsense and worry that I’m losing my marbles. But all I can say to you is this, having an open mind is a beautiful thing! If you are in the slightest bit interested or intrigued about Emma’s work, then it’s absolutely worth you having a personal reading and seeing what may come to light.

And remember, if in years to come, I’m a mum to three (!) working in television, well, you heard it right here – through Emma – first.

To find out more or book a reading, visit EmmaKinsey.com

*Emma kindly offered me a reading in return for this review.

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