Change isn’t always comfortable – but it’s usually inevitable. If a friend is moving away, it needn’t be a sad thing; actually, it can be positive.

Relocating can boost our confidence and allow us to see more of what life has to offer. And thanks to your close bond, neither of you will have to worry about losing touch. If you want to help your buddy settle into their new adventure, you’re in luck.

To learn how to master a long-distance friendship, follow my top three tips.


  • Send Care Packages

If you’ve ever moved somewhere new, you’ll no doubt know how it feels after having arrived. Before they settle into a place properly, people can feel very alone.

Though this tends to fade quickly, it’s highly unpleasant. To help alleviate this feeling, why not send a care package to their new address? Fill it with pamper goodies, toffee and all other luxuries to make them feel extra fabulous.

Send it in advance of their arrival, and they’ll be able to open it as soon as they’ve moved in. As you may already know, loneliness usually sets in once the stress of moving has died down. However, your care package will remind them of your constant support.

And so, it could make adjusting to a new place much easier for them.


  • Schedule Catch-Up Time

During the first few weeks of having moved away, your friend will most likely be busy. This doesn’t mean, however, that they won’t want to speak with you.

In fact, they’ll probably crave contact with members of their support network – after all, they’ll be in an unfamiliar setting. So, you may want to schedule some catch-up time with them.

To find a day and time that works for the pair of you, allow them to acclimatise to their new routine. Very often, this takes about two or three weeks.

Once they have a better idea of when’s best for them, you can each add a regular slot to your timetables.


  • Visit them Once They’ve Settled In

It may be tempting to visit your friend in their new abode straightaway – but this could be risky. It typically requires heaps of courage to move away.

If we see someone from back home, it can make us yearn for it even more, a desire that can be hard to resist if we’re feeling unsettled.

With this in mind, you may want to give your friend some time to become acquainted with their new area and community.

That way, they’ll be able to establish a connection with it in their own time – and this could make it easier for them to settle in.

And even better, it means that they can introduce you to the coolest places in town when you do eventually come to stay.

Not even distance can affect true friendship. Now that you know how, you’ll be able to help your pal embrace this exciting experience.


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