When it comes to renovating your home, one place you should give a little extra attention is the bedroom. Although we don’t spend many conscious hours in our bedrooms, every minute you spend in there is important. After all, without quality sleep every night, your mental and physical health will begin to suffer. Sleep deprivation is a serious issue that can cause many other health problems. With that in mind, here are six tips to make your bedroom a sleep-friendly space.

Make A Comfortable Bed

Being the thing you sleep on, the bed is an incredibly important feature in any bedroom. Waking up feeling numb or stiff in the morning is a clear sign that your bed is wrong. When this is the case, you should try replacing the pillows and mattress. Try out several different options to find the one most comfortable for you. Make sure you also look at different duvets and bedsheets.

Clear Away Any Clutter

Organised chaos isn’t a real thing. If your bedroom has clothes, shoes, and more littering every surface, the space is simply a mess. While you might believe this doesn’t bother you, the stress that clutter can cause will disrupt your sleep. That is why you should invest in built-in wardrobes. These wardrobes will allow you to organise your bedroom without taking up any space visually.


Drown Out The Noise

Noise during the night can be a sleep thief. However, it’s not the sound itself that’s the problem. What makes sleep so difficult is the inconsistency of the noises. Because of this, you should drown out those sounds with your own. While some people listen to music while sleeping, a white noise machine is a better choice. If you find this distracting, you can use earplugs instead.


Switch On A Fan

When we drift into sleep, our body temperatures naturally drop. This means that you’ll find nodding off much easier if your sleeping environment is already cool. For this reason, you should turn the thermostat down before heading to bed. Some people even turn a fan on in their bedrooms. Not only will this keep the space cool, but it acts as a white noise machine too.

Put Blackout Blinds Up

During the night, your bedroom should remain in complete darkness. The reason for this is that the mind associates any light with the sun. If you believe that the sun is rising, you’re likely to wake up, causing disturbed sleep. Blackout blinds are effective at blocking light from external sources. However, technology can create light too, so also keep your room free from devices.

Look At Various Colours

Like everywhere else in the house, we want our bedrooms to reflect our personality and style. Unfortunately, it could be your style that is affecting your sleep. The mind associates different colors with different moods, with cooler tones making you feel relaxed. Keeping that in mind, calming colours, like blues, greens, and neutrals, are the best choices for a bedroom.

Never let your bedroom rob you of sleep. With the advice above, you can create a sleep-friendly space.


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