If you are going on your first skiing holiday, then you will know what an exciting experience this can be. You may feel as though you’re ready to conquer whatever slopes come your way and that nothing is going to stop you. All of this energy is great, but you do have to make sure that you take your time and that you learn the basics before fully taking off.

Lift Pass

A lot of larger resorts have lift passes that you can buy. This will cover nearly every mountain in the area and although it may be tempting for you to buy one, you probably won’t need one if you are a beginner. Talk with your local resort and find out if it is possible to get one that suits your experience level. When you do, you will soon find that it is possible for you to upgrade at a later date without any worries at all.


Ski Equipment

You should always rent and not buy equipment when you go on your first trip. A lot of stores rent out the latest skis every season, so you know that you are getting a quality product. When you are choosing your gear make sure that your boots fit properly. You should be able to flex your ankle slightly while keeping your foot firm. Your boots shouldn’t be painful either. If they are, then make sure that you take the boots back for another pair. At first, walking in boots like this can be difficult but it’s very surprising to see how easy it is to adjust. Sure, you can undo your boots to ease the pressure a bit but if you do then they may become loose and this could lead to you getting blisters. if you have never gone skiing before then it’s a good idea for you to visit Ski Out Of The Blue.



If you feel the part in the clothes that you wear then your confidence will be boosted. At this stage, you just need to look out for a ski suit that is breathable as well as a fleece. This will be more than enough, and you don’t need to spend a fortune either. Shatterproof sunglasses that have high-quality lenses will really help you out and you would be surprised at how much you’ll need them. Sure, it might be cold but you also have to make sure that you take some sun cream too. You will be at a high altitude after all and even though it will be bitterly cold, you still need to protect your skin. If you don’t then you may find that you end up doing yourself more harm than good and that you also ruin your vacation too. You need to make sure that you apply the sun cream to your face and anywhere else that may be exposed.

Of course, if you want some more tips then forums are certainly the way to go. That way you can meet up with other people who might be going to the same resort as you!



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