So it’s finally happened. You’ve spent nine months pregnant, and at least eighteen years raising your kids from tiny babies to fully formed adults. Now, they’re flying the roost and going to university or moving out to start a job. They’re all grown up, and whilst your parenting duties will continue, they certainly won’t be as regular or as all-consuming as they once were. This is a difficult time for many parents as you can miss your children intensely, and feel at a loss with what to do now that they are gone. After all, they have been an absolutely huge part of your life for almost two decades, and that’s a hard thing to adjust to. However, there are definitely advantages to your children leaving, and now could be a time of renewal for your own life. With a bit more money in the bank now you don’t have childcare expenses, and certainly a lot more time on your hands, here are a few ways you can treat yourself to celebrate and commiserate your children leaving the nest.

Romantic Holiday

Can you remember the last time you and your partner went on a romantic holiday without hyperactive kids or sulky teenagers following you around? If the answer is no, then now is the perfect time to rekindle some memories and have a holiday that is purely for you. As you won’t be paying for extra flights or rooms, you may be able to treat yourself to a more luxurious location – and you deserve it! After eighteen years of hard work, it’s time to relax, sit in that infinity pool and drink those cocktails on the beach. Life doesn’t end after you’ve had children, and this is a way of showing yourself all the ways that your life is just beginning.

Self-Care Splurge

After that holiday of a lifetime, if you have a bit of cash left in your pocket, why not spend it on a self-care splurge that you’ve always fancied but never been able to justify. The days of spending all your earnings on growing teenagers’ clothes, school trips and pocket money are over. What have you always secretly dreamed of doing but never found the courage to investigate further? It could be anything, from a day out at a luxury massage parlour, to a face or neck lift, to liposuction, to getting your hair dyed purple from roots to tips! Going all out on one brilliant treatment is a great way to rejuvenate yourself and let those eighteen years just drop away from you. Forget the stress of raising a family, and get back to a version of you that is energised, relaxed and full of dreams!

Moving House

Now, this might seem an odd one, but many people end up moving house after their children have left, and for good reason. A lot of families stay in one place so that children and teenagers can experience a stable upbringing, without having to leave their friends or lay down roots in lots of new places. Now that this is no longer an issue, have a think about where you’d like to live and if you can make a change happen! You won’t need as much space without children so you might be able to move into an area you couldn’t consider before – and even if you don’t want to move, you can still make your house your own by utilising the space of unused bedrooms or playrooms to create whole new areas for you to enjoy.

New Hobbies

One of the greatest commodities you have now is time. Time to sit and relax, time to focus on your work, or time to make the changes in your life that you’ve wanted for years. You’ll probably be missing your children loads, so it’s a great idea to find a new hobby that can fill that void and keep you busy and moving forwards. Cast your mind back to university – was there a society you’d always wished you’d joined but never got round to? It could have been anything, from fencing to choir to a live-painting class. Well, you’d be surprised how many activities of university clubs are also available to adults in the wider world. Have a little research in your local area and see what there is to do. Making something with your hands using clay, paper or even materials such as metal and glass can be incredibly rewarding. On the other hand, music and dance groups are a great chance to meet new people. Whatever you choose, make sure you’re enjoying your new lease of life to the fullest!


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