While it would be a stretch to say that a garden can be outright dangerous for children, there is no denying that gardens do have their hazards. As a parent, you will naturally be well-aware of this – but you’ll also know that allowing your children to stretch their legs and enjoy your home’s outdoor space is generally to be encouraged.

Thankfully, there is a way to achieve the best of both worlds and allow them to spend time outside in a suitably child-friendly space. To achieve this goal, here are four key components you’ll want to include in your outdoor space.

1. Non-slip walkways

Conventional decking and patio slabs or stepping stones can really give your garden an aesthetic boost, but they do have a significant downside: they become slippery when wet. While this shouldn’t pose too many problems for adults, for a child-friendly garden, eliminating this risk is incredibly important. It is therefore essential to look for paving and decking materials that are specified as being non-slip, and to regularly power wash these surfaces to prevent deposits of potentially slippery mud or algae from accumulating.


2.Robust fencing

Securing the perimeter is important in any garden, but especially in one that will be used by children. You need a fence that is secure, robust, and requires relatively little maintenance so you can always be sure it will be able to do its job. Unfortunately, a traditional wooden fence tends to require a large amount of upkeep, so it is usually preferable to opt for a PVC fence that can provide the strong, easily-maintained border any child-friendly garden will require.


3. Fenced water features

Garden features such as ponds and water fountains are eternally popular and can be the perfect finishing touch for any garden design. Unfortunately, they pose one of the most significant dangers to children in a garden setting. However, you don’t need to go without these attractive garden features for as long as your children are young. You can instead use a small fence or large boulder stones to completely block the route to the feature in question. These steps should ensure that your children are able to enjoy the sight of a beautiful water feature, but cannot actually get close to it.


4. Child-proof locks

Anything in your garden that can be opened needs to have child-proof locks installed, be it shed doors, storage compartments, or – most importantly of all – your garden gate. Padlocks are likely to be your friend for any doors that are not opened regularly, but you will need to invest in a specially-designed gate lock that is described as being both child-proof and suitable for outdoor use.


Final thoughts

Even with the above measures, children will always require a level of supervision when spending time outdoors. However, the above components can help to ensure that your garden is as child-friendly as possible, so your kids can delight in the wonders of the outside world.


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