Transitioning your home from summer to winter can really help you adapt to the changes in the weather easier and play a part in how you feel at home when the cold weather sets in.

No one likes to have to get up the cold, dark mornings nor is the prospect of having to draw your curtains when the evenings get darker earlier something a lot of people look forward to.

That being said, there are some simple changes you can make to your home to help add some warmth and cosiness to your rooms to help you prepare for the change in seasons and give you something to look forward to on the long winter nights.

Cushions and throws

One of the easiest ways to add some warmth to your living room is to add some decorative cushions and throws to your sofas and chairs. Just the presence of them can help you create a comfortable spot you can’t help but want to snuggle up in and relax.

Consider adding a cashmere throw for the ultimate in luxury and sophistication. Not only will it look good draped over the arm of your sofa but it will also give you something to curl up at the end of the day.

Large throw cushions are great for adding to a comfy vibe in any room of the house. The great thing is you can style them up to match the room but having complementary colours or styles or you can choose a contrast and make them a focal point in your room.


Nothing screams winter cosiness more than snuggling up at home with a roaring fire and the flickering of candlelight around the room.

Even those with pets and children can enjoy the effects of a candlelit room by opting for flameless candles.

Fragranced candles can also help you create that winter comfort feel in your home by choosing scents that remind you of everything you love about this time of year.

So add some candles, traditional or flameless to your home decor this winter to help brighten up any room in your house and help you achieve a warm and relaxing ambience in your home.


Look at adding some well-placed accessories in your room. Think floor-length sweeping curtains to block out the cold winter days. Choosing a thick rug for your flooring will also help create the look and atmosphere you are going for too.

Consider adding in faux fur too, whether on your cushions, rug or blankets. This is definitely a material you will want to snuggle up into on cold days.

For texture, consider adding some wooden decorative items around the room. Especially if you are going more of a Scandinavian Hygge feel.


Once you have created your perfect space to relax in, you want to make sure you are able to enjoy it. So consider changing into loungewear and popping on a movie. Or read a book. Creating a cosy atmosphere in your room during the cold winter months is all about what you do with your space and also in it. If you want to feel relaxed and comfortable, then you need to extend this to what you are doing in the room also.


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