You’re coming back from a long, hard day at work. You’re tired. Placing your key in the lock, you turn and open your front door. You’re greeted with the scent of your home, a welcoming dog, and the knowledge that the evening is yours, at least.

Consider another situation. You’re inviting a romantic interest back to your home. You really like this person after spending a number of dates with them, and want to make a good impression. Opening your front door you are either greeted with a cared-for and well maintained home, or are worried about the mess and disorganisation therein.

Our homes speak to us in a variety of ways. This is important.

What’s also important is to consider just how this informs your daily experience. Perhaps the most pressing example we can think of is how your home greets you within the first ten seconds of a home entrance, after you step over the threshold. For example, using a window & door replacement company to ensure a protected and aesthetic means of entering your home can be a great option for most new homeowners. Similar to the manner in which you wake up, this can inform your experience for the rest of the time within. 

So, let us improve it:


Consider how your home looks when you enter the corridor. Is there a ten-foot oil painting of you in your best bathrobe? If so, that’s quite the power statement. But it could potentially overwhelm some with sensitive dispositions. It could be that keeping things clean, comfortable, and light could work well. Your entrance shouldn’t feel like entering a dark, damp cave, but a light, bright and welcoming atmosphere. A nice light fixture can do the trick, as well as lightly painted walls. A lack of clutter is important here. Some greenery can also be quite nice. A hat and coat stand and a place to store shoes comfortably can also show an application of organisation. All of this can make a real difference.



More quickly than eyes can scan the room will the nose pick up its environment. If your home smells of damp, wet dog, bad breath or simply very stuffy, immediately that deflates your move. However, it can sometimes be hard for us to truly ‘smell’ our homes, as we get used to that. The scent of your home does matter however, especially when welcoming guests or wishing to remove toxins from the air. A great air filter can help you achieve this, as can small odour-releasing plug socket mechanisms stored there throughout the day. A nice scent can be welcoming, and put a smile on someone’s face. Something non-offensive, such as jasmine and vanilla, can be a nice touch.


What Greets You

How are you greeted when you enter your doorway? Do five dogs come bursting out of the side rooms jumping up your body? Then it could be that training them or restricting their access to the front door could be important when inviting guests over. It might be that you immediately talk to your voice assistant to play smooth jazz. These little touches can make the most difference, and can help you feel greeted when entering your home.

With this advice, we hope you can better arrange your home entrance to suit your needs, and also to impress those you care about.


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