Are You In For A Comfy Winter?

There’s nothing quite like being comfy.

Sitting back in a warm blanket, with a hot cup of cocoa, with gentle music playing and an ambiance of pure indulgence. It might be you’ve seen many entrepreneurial posts on Instagram suggesting that comfort is the playground of the weak, but to that we’d like to say ‘chill out, and get comfy!’ Getting comfortable is something much more than that we do to ignore the daily struggle of life. It can gently nourish us in a positive way, it can help us bond with our families, and it can help us sit back and smell the roses. As Ferris Bueller once said ‘Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it.’

So let’s get comfy. This article, with winter in mind, will help you make the upcoming seasons the most comfortable you have ever experienced, transforming your home into a veritable den of beauty and relaxation, allowing you to enjoy nothing but pure love during the most evocative time of the year.


It’s hard to be comfortable when you’re cold. Consider the heating arrangements of your house. Might there be better ways to heat the home than simply leave the heating on all winter – as this can end up costing you hundreds? Well, blankets and duvets are one thing that can cause beautiful warmth. Buying many new jumpers and cardigans can also. However, sometime heating is the main thing you need. Heating is the main thing you want. With underfloor heating, everywhere you step will be a warm and luxurious feeling, and your home will be heated more evenly, allowing you to enjoy beautiful comfort without the ridiculous energy bill.



No matter how warm the room is, it’s hard to be comfortable in a flat, bright white room. Add a little ambiance to the mix. Experiment with colored lighting, with fairy lights, with candles and incense and patterns around the room. Play a little gentle jazz music. If it’s raining or snowing outside, open the curtains so you can see. Have your favorite books laying around so you’re more tempted to sit down and really dive deep into them. It might be that to fully appreciate the ambiance of your room, you need to sit back and actually pay attention to how wonderful it is. This, in itself, can be relaxing.


Family Activities

What good is comfort in your family home if it’s not shared? Bring your family together to experience a funny, family friendly movie, or perhaps play a board game or two together. Enjoy hot chocolate, roast marshmallows on the fire, and read stories to your young children. Try to appreciate every moment you have in this space, because often it can feel debilitating not to. No matter who you are, sometimes a little comfort is hardly appreciated unless you can revel in it with someone else, and who better than your nearest and dearest?

With these tips, getting comfy this winter is assured.


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