As a parent, you want to do what is best for your child. You’ll want to take care of them and protect them. This might mean that you do absolutely everything for them, and while that’s good – essential, in fact – when they are very little, as they get older, it’s actually far better to teach them how to do things for themselves. This might be hard to do as a parent, as it could feel like letting go or that you’re just not doing enough, but the fact is it’s a sign of good parenting. You trust that your child can learn the lessons you are teaching them, and you are setting them up for a successful future. With that in mind, here are some of the life skills your children will need and that you can start teaching right away. 

Money Management 

Having to deal with money isn’t something that comes naturally to everyone, but it is something that every single adult has to do. You’ll know yourself how you have to balance your income and outgoings and how you need to save when you can and treat yourself too. You might have to know how to pay taxes if you’re self-employed. Perhaps you have to know how to handle debt responsibly.

If you don’t manage your money well, there are some dire consequences to consider. You might not be able to pay the essential bills or you might just find it hard to make ends meet in general. If you don’t want your child to have to deal with these anxiety-inducing problems, you need to teach them about money.

This can start simply with their pocket money. You can teach them how to save for what they want and delay gratification, for example. You can even teach them how to pay back a loan by buying them something they don’t have the money for and having them pay the cost back over time. It might seem harsh, but if they learn a life lesson about handling money well, it will help them massively as adults.


How To Cook 

Studies show that people who cook their own meals using fresh ingredients are healthier than those who rely on takeaways and ready meals. That’s because they consume fewer calories and they think about the ingredients they are using. When you know how to cook, you know how to balance a meal so that it’s a healthy one that tastes good, and you can determine your own portion sizes rather than relying on someone else to do it for you. Plus, cooking from scratch is a good way to save money as it’s cheaper than always eating out or ordering food in – this is particularly true if you teach your child how to batch cook and freeze leftover portions.

If you are cooking every day, why not let your child help you? Although there are dangers in the kitchen, like sharp knives, hot ovens, and boiling water, if you are careful and only teach them age-appropriate cooking elements, they will learn how to take care of themselves in the kitchen. As time goes on, they can learn more complex cooking methods, and eventually, they might start cooking for you just as much as you cook for them.

Even if they don’t develop a deep love of cooking, having the skills to put together a variety of different dishes, to understand what healthy eating is, and to match different ingredients together is never a skill that will be wasted.


Coping With Failure 

Children will always find failure hard to deal with, and as a parent, it is difficult to watch your child fail at anything. However, there is no point in shielding them from this because failure is a part of life. No one is perfect, and everyone makes mistakes, which means that it is highly likely your child will fail more than once, and at various points in their life.

You can’t stop this from happening, and you shouldn’t; failure is how we learn and get better, so it is, in some sense, at least, a good thing. This is why children’s adventure camps are so good because children will have a chance to fail in a safe environment.

As a parent, what you can do is to teach your child a life lesson about how to cope with failure. In other words, you can teach them that it’s okay to be disappointed and upset but that there is no point in getting angry and frustrated. All that does is make other people upset and cause problems. It’s far better to acknowledge the failure, learn what went wrong, and try again with that knowledge. No matter what happens in life, if they have this lesson in mind, they will be able to move forward at all times.


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