Uh, Oh! It’s Cold Inside!

There is nothing worse than being in the throes of the biting winter and the heating going off.

It’s not just the heaters, it’s the boiler, and the house is rapidly cooling down. You can’t run a hot bath – without kettles of water, at least – and you can’t run the heating through the house. The children are only tiny, and because this conveniently happened after regular business hours, you have to wait until tomorrow for the emergency boiler man to come and fix it for you. Disaster!

The boiler breaking is never a fun experience, especially when you have to wait around for the engineer to come and fix it all for you. You can call in a HVAC contractor to get the HVAC changed over to heat the room while you wait, but there’s still a whole house to heat, which means you need to get creative. Finding warmth in the wintry months is not a simple thing to do, particularly when you have one of those houses that never quite gets warm – no matter what you do. However, there are some things that you can do to warm the house up a little, and we’ve got the suggestions below – bundle up and have a read!


You and the kids are going to shut the door of the bedroom (the one with the TV), with every single duvet that you can find in the house. Bundle everyone up under every duvet on the biggest bed in the house and snuggle together. Your body warmth together will keep you all warm, and the extra duvets are purely for keeping the heat in.


Your lights may be working just fine but the amount of heat that gets generated from your candles is more than you think. Put candles around the room and as you add more, just feel the warmth coming off of them. Just remember the fire risk and keep out of reach of the children.


If your oven is electric and the hob is electric, make a pan of water for hot drinks, and cook up some delicious, warming food. These warming recipes can warm the entire family from the inside out. It doesn’t matter if it’s after the usual bedtime, cook up a supper of porridge with a splodge of jam to feel the warmth in your toes.

Oven Hack

An electric oven is one of the best things that you can have when the boiler busts, because not only can you keep cooking, you can also leave the door open with the oven on. The resulting heat will radiate and give you a source of warmth. The only risk is the huge utility bill you could end up with, so be careful!

Being colder inside the house than out of it is never nice, but you can find ways to stay warm and keep together – you just have to be creative in how you do it!


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