Three Cheats For Instant Confidence

If you find that you are frequently in need of some extra confidence, then the good news is that there are plenty of ways of achieving that. No matter what your usual baseline confidence level might be, by taking care of it in a number of interesting and unique ways, you can make it so that you feel much more confident practically instantly.

In this post, we are going to guide you through just three such fast-acting confidence boosters. These work anywhere anytime, and they are bound to become important additions to your ego-boosting arsenal as soon as you have tried them just once. Let’s take a look and see how you might expect to gain some quick and powerful confidence.

It’s All In The Scent

Firstly, it’s a good idea to remember about the importance of scent in terms of how it makes you seem to others, and what it does to you yourself. If you are happy with the way you smell, you could almost excuse yourself for not looking your best, such is the power of getting the scent right. By using scent carefully and cleverly, you might be able to make a huge improvement to how you feel about yourself, thereby ensuring that you feel much more confident as a result as well. If you want to try this in all its glory, you should think about finding a good niche perfume, the kind that people are not that used to smelling. Doing so will make a huge difference to how you feel about yourself, as you find that you fill a room much more easily.

Strike A Pose

Here’s something that is always worth a go when you need a sudden boost and you can quickly dash to a bathroom or somewhere private. By simply standing – ideally in front of a mirror – in a particular pose, you can actually produce a feeling of confidence in yourself which is genuine, lasting and effective. Known as the Wonder Woman pose, this stance has been shown to scientifically increase your sense of self-worth. All you need to do is stand with your feet hip width apart, your head held high as if by golden thread, and your hands on your hips. This dominant pose immediately boosts your confidence, and others will immediately feel it as well.

Have A Word With Yourself

The self-talk you engage in in your head says a lot about you. The good news there is that you can effectively change around what you are saying to yourself, and it will alter how you feel about yourself, and in turn how you act as well. If you are in a situation where you feel less than confident, you can turn things around by simply saying to yourself positive affirmations which are relevant to you. Make these specific, and personal, not just generic phrases, and you might find that it works in making you feel much more confident straight away. If you do this every day, you will also eventually find that it has a strong cumulative effect.


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