Having a living room comes with the responsibility of making it look nice. Decorating a living room is pretty straightforward, and creative minds can really make a lasting impression. Shop for bean bags to get started with any redecorating plan. It is a small addition that you can build an entire design around.

12. Bland Is Not Always Great

Most people may question what setups actually look great with bland as the design idea. But in some cases, going with the bland theme in a living room can be a stunning choice. But for most people, colors are the better choice. The problem with a bland design is that it is either perfect, or really bad. You have to commit to the theme from beginning to end or risk having a very boring space. Minimalist themes can use colors and don’t have to default to a bland look. Like all things design, use moderation with your color choices and it will come out just fine.

11. Don’t Go Big Too Soon

It’s tempting to buy everything you see online or in a magazine. Browsing dream setups gets the creative juices flowing. When hit with the design bug, some people buy an entire living room set without even doing basic measurements. This is the downfall of many new design ideas for a living room, mostly at the consumer level. Instead of going on a furniture shopping spree, think of an overall theme. This will force you to commit to specific pieces and colours so that you don’t make purchases that are regretted later on. If it doesn’t fit in with the plan, then there is no reason to add it to the shopping list.

10. Fusion Design Doesn’t Mean Junk Design

There are a lot of small items that will clutter up your living space. What you see as necessary for the design is not always a good choice. In fact, there is a chance that small additions are taking away from your overall vision. The best way to avoid cluttering up an idea is by staying away from additions to the original plan. When you sit down and make your design, keep every part of it final- within reason. There is little chance that a small table accessory will make or break your living room. When in doubt, remember that less is more.

9. Legos And Furniture Are Different

When someone mentions that a living room has useless furniture, they’re usually referring to pieces that won’t be used. High usage items like seating is an expected part of any living room. An entertainment centre and fireplace accessories also fall within this range. When someone purchases useless furniture, it has a lot to do with trying to line them up correctly in a room. That is how you get into the territory of buying an L shaped couch that doesn’t even match your original plan. There are no rules that state furniture needs to be touching, or in a certain position. Trying to make things too perfect will end up having the opposite effect. The truth is that some pieces just aren’t meant to be in the same room.

8. Matching Isn’t Mandatory

The only thing worse than a bland setup is one that tries to match everything single item in the living room. This is jarring to look at but hard to notice without someone telling you. Matching living room sets are sold as a convenience. Think of it as an all in one that makes it easier on the buyer when planning a specific theme. By shopping around, you can find something better, and possibly at a lower cost. There is nothing wrong with a matching set, but don’t use it as the default shopping option when looking for living room furniture. With a little patience, you can always get a better deal while searching for something new.

7. Make Areas Cozy

A living room should feel inviting to any guest that walks into it. When an area is cozy, it is easy to sit down and relax. A living room feels less cozy when it looks like a museum. Refusing to remove the plastic from your furniture tells guests you don’t want them to sit. End tables that are littered with decorations tells guests that you don’t want them to drink. You have to be aware of what a design tells guests when they walk into your living room. What you see as a master creative achievement can be a nightmare to someone that just wants to relax. Make it a point to always step back from your living room and see it like a guest would. Put yourself in their shoes and decide whether the space is cozy, or uninviting.

6. Where Are Your Tables?

How many times have you gone into a living room with no end tables? It’s great for space, and sometimes for aesthetics. But there are very few instances where the look is worth the extra loss of functionality. Even if you have a sofa with storage and cup holders, end tables are like the period at the end of a well written sentence. Creating a living room without them requires very precise design experience, or at least an idea of where everything should go. Copying your idea from an online setup doesn’t count, and will more than likely keep you guessing with the rest of the furniture.

5. Mix Up Your Choices

Take the time to mix it up and try something new. Whether it is a new color, style, tradition or brand, there is always something fun to discover. Walking into a carbon copy living room is no fun when you have the tools to make it better. With some patience and research, anything can be put together so that it looks natural. There is nothing wrong with being different if everything flows like it is supposed to. When done right, your living room will spark ideas of redecoration when guests visit.

4. Keep Art At A Comfortable Viewing Angle

Everyone likes a good art show when done right. Putting your art so high that no one can appreciate it defeats the purpose entirely. You can’t really enhance a living room with art if it doesn’t even get a chance to blend into the area. Play it smart when adding art to the walls by putting them at eye level. You also have to make sure that the art on the wall doesn’t completely overtake the design of your living room. You can also ruin the presentation of art by putting it in weird spots on your wall. By not factoring in the look of your living room, you could ruin hours of decorating when adding art.

3. Lighting Matters

Some people go with the default lights and call it a day. Others just use overhead lights without worrying about specific portions of the living room. There is a thin line between personal preference and a setup that degrades the quality of your space. Play around with the lighting and you’ll get a better idea of how a good balance makes everything better. Bad lighting makes it harder to relax in an area, even if everything else is done right. The one thing to remember about lighting is that it can also affect media viewing. Put a light in the wrong place and the television will have a giant glare on it.

2. Rugs Should Actually Cover An Area

Rugs are not the easiest thing to place since there are countless types to choose from. You can spend hours looking for the right fit and still come up empty handed. Rug searching is a skill that takes time, but the one thing everything can agree on is that too small a rug is a bad idea. Uneven proportions will only highlight the bad areas of your living room. And if those proportions are smaller than normal, it creates a jarring effect that detracts from the rest of the room. There is a soft rule that a living room rug should touch the front legs of nearby furniture. Use it at your own discretion or as a starting point when placing a rug.

1. Fill Space When Appropriate

Filling up space in a living room is a tedious task. The good news is that it isn’t always necessary when completing a design. When you get suckered into saving space at the cost of the theme, then it will always be a losing battle. Make use of the space you have without overthinking what to do with empty space. By keeping it simple, your living room will be better off when the project is finished.

Wrap Up

Get into the spirit of decorating your living room by following the twelve listed steps. It all starts by knowing what you do and don’t like for a big open space. Allow yourself to get creative with colors and shapes for the best impact. Once the living room is done, getting ideas for other parts of the house will be that much easier.


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