The process of selling your home can be a long one. It’s not unheard of for homes to sit on the market for six months or more before selling. So if you want to save yourself some time and get the most out of your sale, then there are a few mistakes you cannot afford to make. Here are mistakes to watch out for when selling your home.

Getting Emotional

Getting emotional is one of the biggest mistakes sellers can make. When dealing with your family home, it’s easy to get sentimental and let that affect the decision-making process when selling.

Selling an emotional attachment is not a good idea because it limits options for buyers; what works for one person may not work for another, so if you are too attached to something, there isn’t room left in negotiations or flexibility on price. The best approach is simply pretending like this house doesn’t hold any value to you emotionally, allowing negotiation room should someone be willing to pay more than the asking price.

Hire or Not Hire An Agent

It has been said, “the only reason why anyone would sell their property without using a real estate agent is to save money.” Therefore, unless you have a professional background in buying and selling real estate, it’s highly recommended that you hire a professional who knows the market value of your home.

Setting an Unrealistic Price

Selling your house for less than market value will take longer because there aren’t many buyers out there willing to pay the total price for homes on the market today. Unfortunately, this also gives potential buyers reason not to make offers or even show interest which further delays the process while causing frustration with family members looking forward to moving into their new place sooner rather than later. It can be tempting when putting up a “For Sale By Owner (FSBO) sign,” but unless you are offering perks like paying all closing costs, you might be better off sticking with an agent.

Do some research before setting your price.

Expecting The Asking Price

This is another common mistake people make when selling their homes. Asking for too much and expecting to get it because the house has been on sale for a while or they paid more than market value in the first place, which means buyers don’t even bother showing up making offers at all due to price concerns.

If your home isn’t worth what you’re asking, then why would someone buy it? On the other hand, you should never set out asking for less than what you want so that potential buyers will take some action. It’s best to know how much your home is worth before listing instead of wasting time hoping somebody decides to pay the total asking price.

Selling During Winter Months

It’s common sense that selling your home during the winter months is terrible because the market is slow due to holidays, and people don’t want to move during cold weather. Plus, many buyers start their house search during spring, so you’re limiting your chances by putting your home on the market in January or February when most sellers do the same thing.


Selling your house is a big decision. You want to make sure you do everything possible to get the best price and avoid potential problems. By avoiding these mistakes, you’ll be in a much better position when it comes time to sell your home.


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