Tag relationships

Five common mistakes men make when it comes to love

WHEN it comes to love, it takes two to tango, as they say. Therefore, in the interest of equality, I think it’s only fair to point out the mistakes that men make when it comes to matters of the heart, as I did with the women last week. After all, we’re all in this together right?! Ladies, I am sure many of you will find yourself nodding along in agreement

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Five common mistakes women make when it comes to love

THERE is nothing as consuming, powerful or magnificent as love. But boy oh boy, it ain’t half tricky at times. Relationships are wonderful that is true (or at least they should be) but as we all know, they can also be tough and quite frankly, a challenge! Like many of us, I have made some humongous mistakes in my life when it comes to matters of the heart. Some real

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Five things MEN can do to help women feel better about their bodies (and looks)

TODAY is a first for me on Pouting In Heels, because I am writing a post aimed at men. “Why on earth would you do that?!” I hear you cry. Well, it’s very simple really. Last Friday, I wrote this post in a bid to encourage more of you gorgeous women to learn to love your bodies and in response to that, a male friend of mine made my absolute day by

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FRIDAY FIVE: What I’ve learnt about marriage (so far)…

TODAY the husband and I are celebrating five years of marriage and boy has it gone quickly! It doesn’t seem two minutes since our wedding day and yet over the past five years our lives have changed so much. We’ve entered our thirties, made bold career moves, visited new places, moved into a new home and of course welcomed our daughter into the world. It really has been a blast.

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Are you a giver or a taker?…

WHEN it comes to the human race, sometimes I think you can split us all up into two camps. Those that give and those that take. This issue of people giving or indeed, not giving to each other, has been niggling at me and playing on my mind for a couple of months now. Perhaps it’s my pregnancy hormones, but recently I’ve found myself becoming more and more astounded at

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