Tag inspiration

LIFE: How to be a happier person, part 1

I’M no expert when it comes to happiness (who is?!) but over the years I have picked up a few pearls of wisdom that I like to remind myself of whenever I’m feeling a little down in the dumps. Happiness can be hard to find at times but I’m a firm believer that to have more of it in our lives, we need to help ourselves. After all, the power always

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Sass: How to kick the devil’s ass (every single day)

Ok, so granted this headline is a little random but bear with me! You see I came across this quote the other week which really made me smile and I really wanted to share it with you all. Honestly, I love this quote so much I just can’t stop thinking about it. So much so, that over the last week (which has been pretty rubbish by all accounts) these few

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FRIDAY FIVE: Five good things that come from being poorly…

SOOO… I’ve been pretty quiet on the blog of late but for a very good reason. I’ve been fighting the lurgy. As too has my husband and little Elsie. Yep, for the past week or so, our precious household has been under attack from germs a plenty. Thankfully, we all seem to now be coming out on the other side and today, for the first time in about a week,

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Friday Five: Easy ways to help you relax

AS the fabulous Carrie once said in Sex & The City, everyone these days seems to be ‘sooooo busy!’. True isn’t it? Is it just me or have we all seem to have lost the plot a little and forgotten how to totally relax and rest up? Personally I blame smartphones. Controversial I know. Yes they are amazing, yes I couldn’t live without mine either but come on…how many of

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The five best phrases to live by

THE English language sure is beautiful… But when it comes to words, I always think it’s the simple ones that have the most power. To prove my point, here are the best five phrases you will ever need to get through life. Ready? Here goes.   “I’m sorry” Let’s face it none of us are perfect. Nope, not even me. So for those times that you’ve messed up, hurt someone

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STYLE: My favourite AW looks from the high street

I ADORE this time of year. The glorious colours of nature, the beautiful natural light, the fact that it’s still usually warm enough to enjoy being outside (on most occasions) and the fact that the nights begin to cosily draw in. But more than any of these, I just love autumn/winter fashion. From ‘proper’ coats to knee high boots, chunky knits to snuggly scarves, sequins to dark lace, there isn’t

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FRIDAY FIVE: Easy ways to step up and start ‘owning’ your life

SO, after a little break I’m back with my blogging mojo well and truly restored! I love blogging so I’ve got to tell you it was a bit difficult not to feel guilty about my time away from you all but I have to say, it’s done me the world of good. Stepping away from the blog has given me back some precious time which has allowed me to chill

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FRIDAY FIVE: Five things I’ve learnt about people when it comes to success

AT the grand ol’ age of 33, here’s what I’ve figured out about people so far when it comes to success. 1) People will often underestimate you… And that’s ok. Let them. For it is their mistake. Smile sweetly, safe in the knowledge that your brilliance will one day shock them to their core and rejoice in their surprise when it does. It isn’t what other people think that counts,

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