When I became a mum for the first time back over five years ago, I had absolutely no idea whatsoever about colic.

In fact, I don’t think I’d even heard of it!

So imagine my surprise when Elsie, at just two weeks old, suddenly started crying one day. And. Did. Not. Stop. Just 15 days after she was born, on a sunny and unremarkable Saturday, everything went a little pear shaped in our new parenting world and Elsie cried for pretty much about eight hours solid.

I tried everything, as you do, and nothing and I mean nothing, worked. I rocked her. I sang to her. I walked around with her. I swaddled her. I breastfed her. And still she cried.

Tearful, confused and rather frantic, I eventually asked Jamie to make a mad dash to the shops to grab a dummy and something for baby ‘tummy pain’ as quickly as possible. He came back with Infacol and the most unattractive dummy I’ve ever seen, but low and behold these two things worked and soon our little girl was peaceful and relatively content again.

Thankfully – and I do mean thankfully – my experience of colic as a mum to two babies, four and a bit years apart, has been rare and occasional. But I will never forget that day. Nor the times I’ve had with Leo when he’s suffered from colic and been unhappy too.

Which is why I think it’s rather brilliant (and about time) that Colic Awareness Month has launched this September, with the aim of educating parents on colic and supporting mums and dads.

Infacol and a charity called Cry-sis (the only parenting charity dedicated to supporting parents through excessive crying) have come together to launch the new awareness month after a recent survey found that one in three British mums (like me!) didn’t know that infant colic existed even though around 140,000 babies suffer from colic every year.

Infant colic is really common and usually begins (as it did with Elsie) when the baby is just a few weeks old. But if you’re unsure, here are some common signs to look out for:

  • Intense crying bouts
  • Crying in the late afternoon or evening that lasts several hours
  • The baby’s face is red and flushed when they cry
  • The baby clenches their fists, draws their knees up or arches their back while crying

Colic isn’t harmful to a baby (although it’s safe to say it makes them miserable) however it can have a huge impact on a parent’s happiness and wellbeing, as many of you sleep deprived and exhausted mums will understand.

If you want to know more, you can find out all about the new awareness month here and please mamas, if any of you are really suffering with a crying baby, please do ask for help from loved ones or seek professional help as soon as possible. Motherhood is a wonderful world but that doesn’t mean it’s always easy or enjoyable. Huge, huge hugs for any of you that may be struggling right now.





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