If you’d like to create a welcome outside space this summer for entertaining, then a bit of decorative lighting will go a long way. As well as looking pretty, gardening lighting is also functional as it enables you to stay outdoors together for longer. There are plenty of options from motion season LEDs, to solar powered fairy lights. You could even try making a few of your own creations. Transform your garden this year with these lovely summer lighting ideas.

Solar powered fairy lights

For a more eco-friendly option, solar lights are ideal in the summer. They’ll sit charging in the sun all day then automatically switch on as soon as the sun goes down. This helps to create a magical twilight atmosphere. There is a wide range available from solar powered fairy lights to festoon lights, or customisable string lights. These are incredibly versatile and you can use them to decorate just about any space.


Motion sensor path lights

If you would like to make your garden more secure or simply guide your guest’s safely down the path you could consider motion sensor LEDs. These will light up automatically as someone approaches. You can easily reorganise house rewiring for this type of outdoor lighting. It’s very simple to set up. Motion sensor lights make a great deterrent for even animal intruders, so if you want to keep your garden private then they’re a good idea.


Upcycled lanterns

You could consider creating your own lanterns from repurposed household items. You’d be surprised how many random items can be transformed into quirky lighting features. You could also look into revamping second-hand or antique pieces. Here are some creative upcycled lighting ideas to give you inspiration. You could even get the kids involved with a family upcycling project this summer. This is an original way to decorate your garden and you’ll definitely end up with a few conversation pieces.


Tabletop mason jars

Old mason jars, or other large jars are very versatile. You could use these in your garden to make anything from candle holders to upcycled planters. They also hang nicely as lanterns. Have a dig through your recycling and see what you can turn into a beautiful candle holder. You can place them around your dining area on the table or shelves and they’ll provide very flattering lighting.


Smart spotlights

Why not bring your home into the 21st century with some smart spotlights? Smart garden lighting is very convenient as it can be synced with your entire smart home system. You can control it using a single app on your phone or tablet. Smart lighting can also be set to adjust to provide the correct atmosphere so you can design your own lighting style. Most bulbs also have a dimmer option that you can control remotely. The best thing is you’ll also receive notifications about your energy usage and where you can cut costs. Not only will your garden look great but you’ll save money on your bills as well.


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