Your hair might not age as noticeably as skin, but it does age. Changes occurring in your tresses go far beyond greying. Therefore, it’s important to adjust your hair care to meet the new needs of your tresses. This way, you will be able to ensure they stay strong and beautiful in the face of time.

Beef up the keratin

As you age, especially after 40, your hair starts losing its density naturally. This happens because keratin, the protein that makes up about 90% of hair, starts breaking down rapidly. Therefore, your hair appears fine and loses volume.

To solve this problem, you can start using keratin hair care products. There are many of them available today, so everyone can get exactly what they need. You can start by simply replacing your shampoo and conditioner with keratin-based products.

However, if your hair is getting too fine, consider a full-on keratin hair treatment. People who use them most often seek to straighten their hair or make it smoother. However, these treatments also help restructure your hair and provide it with a “coat” of keratin. This makes your locks thicker and shinier. Therefore, even if frizzy hair isn’t an issue for you, getting this treatment for aging hair is smart.

Reconsider how you style your hair

Everyone knows that styling damages and weakens your hair. Therefore, as you age, you need to be ever more careful with it.

However, it’s much less known that heat styling isn’t the devil that people often paint it as. In fact, electrical hair dryers are safe as long as you use them correctly. The same goes for flat irons and curlers. A recent study showed that using a dryer is, actually, less damaging than leaving your hair to air dry.

Of course, any tool is dangerous when used incorrectly. For heat styling to be safe you need to minimize the time your hair is exposed to heat. This should be easy with the powerful hair styling tools available today.

You also need to keep the temperature no higher than the medium setting. And for flat irons, choose ones with ceramic plates as they are much gentler on your hair.

But electrical tools are only one side of the styling danger problem. Another issue is the styling products you use. Those will need to go through a careful revision. The best thing to do is to limit the number of hair styling products you use at all. It’s best to choose a haircut that needs little styling.

When you do use the products, make sure they don’t contain any toxic chemicals. And wash off the product at the first opportunity. Preferably, do this before you go to sleep.

Finally, give your hair “break” days from styling. This could be also a day when you treat your hair with oils or deep conditioners to enhance its beauty.

Trim more often

It doesn’t matter how often you trimmed your hair in your youth. As you age, you should do this every 6-8 weeks maximum. In fact, it would be a good idea to change your hairstyle altogether. This is sure to boost your vitality and self-image.

Frequent trims are necessary for ageing hair because it’s much more breakable and therefore prone to splitting. They also help stimulate healthy hair growth, which slows down drastically with age.

Give yourself deep conditioning treatments

Getting a deep conditioning treatment once a week is a must for bleached hair. But it’s just as beneficial for ageing hair as well. The treatment will combat the dryness, which comes with age. It will also help slow down the process of keratin breakdown.

You don’t even have to go to a salon for these treatments. You can do this at home using products like coconut or olive oil.

Eat for your hair

Your diet affects your looks greatly, and hair isn’t an exception. The foods you eat can help slow down the ageing process. Or at least, they can reduce the visible effects of it.

The best foods for your hair are fish rich in omega 3, eggs, and nuts. Some people also recommend dairy products. However, those are getting harder for your body to process with age. Therefore, you should opt for other sources of calcium. For example, leafy greens and sesame seeds can be a good substitute.


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