5 Tips for Starting a House Renovation

We’ve all watched the shows on TV. People buy a wreck and transform it into the house of their dreams. For some people, this would be an absolute nightmare, but for others, it is a challenge they’ve always longed for. 

If you fall into the latter category, then there are steps you should take to ensure your journey is as stress-free as possible. Follow these five tips to keep your renovation smooth-sailing.

Do Your Research

A house renovation is a big commitment. Make sure you know what you’re getting into by properly researching the property you’re considering, the area, and the types of building work that have gone on in nearby properties. Don’t fall into the trap of imagining an extravagant extension that won’t get planning permission!

Also, make sure you get thorough surveys done so that you are going into your project with your eyes wide open. Knowing what issues need addressing in your home before embarking on further work will inform where your budget will have to go and may restrict how far you can take your renovation. 

It can be so difficult to separate head and heart when it comes to something as emotive as renovating your home, but thorough research in the earliest stages will help you plan for future eventualities and hopefully reduce any shocks further down the line. 


Plan, Plan, Plan

Check what planning permission is already in place on the property, depending on what work you plan to do. Some properties already have partial or full permissions in place whilst others won’t, and you could find that your big plans get turned down, shattering your dreams. 

Of course, not all renovation work needs planning permission and can be carried out under Permitted Development regulations, though these will carry with them certain restrictions such as size and scale. 

If you already have your property and you’re ready to renovate, your life will be so much easier with a clear design plan, as well as a budget, schedule, and list of chosen materials. Keeping everything itemised will help you stay realistic about what you can afford and how it can be achieved and will also help if and when you have to deal with the next tip.

Don’t Cut Corners

When it comes to your home, it’s always worth doing the job right the first time, and there are some aspects, such as rewiring your house, that should never be scrimped on. 

It can rankle spending money on things that nobody is even going to see in the end, but it’s always worth spending the money and having a quality job done on work such as electricals and plastering. Cut back on finishing touches and furnishing if money is tight. Spend money behind the scenes and prevent having to rip up the finish in your gorgeous home to fix shoddy work further down the line. 


Expect the Unexpected

Unfortunately, the path to a renovated dream home rarely runs completely smoothly. If possible, factor in a buffer to your budget for any unexpected bumps in the road that need addressing and try to be flexible if things do happen. 

Consider what premium materials can be switched out and upgraded at a later date. An excellent piece of advice is to allocate an extra 10% of your overall budget to cover any unforeseen costs that crop up, and hopefully, this will take the sting out of any nasty surprises you encounter.


Keep Things Simple

You don’t need a grand design to have a gorgeous renovation. Keeping your building work simple and classic will ensure your home stands the test of time and doesn’t look tacky when fashions fade. 

You can put your stamp on your project when it comes to furnishing without going mad on quirky design features that may affect a future resale. If this is your first renovation, don’t bite off more than you can chew to prevent extra stress and worry further down the line. Also, once you’ve finished the renovation, don’t be afraid to invest in some new key pieces of furniture to highlight the changes. This could be something as big as display cabinets with lights or as small as an ornament. The bottom line is that some new pieces of furniture will round off the renovation and bring everything together.



Renovating a home can be a dream come true, but it can quickly turn into a nightmare if you jump in feet first and don’t make the right considerations. 

Thorough research and planning will help you make sensible decisions when it comes to realistic expectations and budgets. Keeping things simple and getting work done properly will save you heartache and headaches in the long run. Try not to sweat the small stuff and expect things to go wrong at some stage of the process. However, having taken the time to plan at the outset, you should be able to take these hiccups in your stride and end up with the perfect home renovation.


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